Covid Spezia: parks closed to children, local stops at midnight. The rules for jumping infections


Health personnel in La Spezia (Frascatore)
Health personnel in La Spezia (Frascatore)

La Spezia, September 11, 2020 – Public parks closed to minors even if they are accompanied by their parents, premises open to the public strictly closed from midnight to five in the morning. In addition to closing of cultural and social centers. The jump in infections in the city of La Spezia (146 in two days, with an increase in hospitalizations) forces the authorities to further toughen activities in common areas.

But the first and most important crucial decision concerns the postponement of the opening of schools from September 14 to 24. Only in the province of La Spezia will schools reopen regularly.

But the city now needs “a prudent attitude”, as the president of the Region said. All At the press conference with Mayor Peracchini. The new ordinance is clear: public events must be held with strict distancing. Thus, for example, in theaters and closed spaces, meetings open to the public of any type should be organized with spaced and pre-assigned seats with a maximum number of 200 spectators.

While team and contact sports are suspended except in organized national competitions by national federations.

The Region identifies a particularly critical area for infections: it is formed by the quadrilateral between via Ferrari, via Amendola, viale Garibaldi and via Fiume Nord. Here any gathering is strictly prohibited, even with masks.
