“Viruses across the country, the epidemic is getting worse”


Viruses across the country, the epidemic worsens

The virus is now circulating throughout the country. Ten regions reported an increase in the number of diagnosed cases compared to the previous week, which cannot be attributed solely to an increase in imported cases from abroad. “This is how the report from the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) and the Ministry of Health reports on the progress of the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy in the week of August 31 to September 6, with data updated to 8.

Rt Italia at 1.14

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In almost all regions “a high number of new cases and there has been a substantially increasing trend for several weeks. Outbreaks are reported in almost all provinces, reflecting a circulation of the virus throughout the Italian territory. This -explain the experts- should call for caution as it denotes that the circulation of Sars-CoV-2 is increasingly significant in the country ”.

In fact, even in the last week of follow-up, new cases of infection were diagnosed in all regions. 37% identified themselves through detection activities, while 31% identified themselves through contact tracing activities. The remaining cases were identified as symptomatic (27%) or the reason for diagnosis was not reported (5%). Therefore, overall, “68% of the new cases were diagnosed thanks to intensive screening and investigation of cases with identification and follow-up of close contacts.”

“It is still essential to maintain a high awareness of the general population about the worsening of the epidemiological situation and about the importance of following Strictly comply with all necessary measures to reduce the risk of transmission. such as individual hygiene, the use of masks and physical distancing ”.

In the weekly report issued by Iss and the Ministry of Health, “the need to comply with quarantine measures and other measures recommended by health authorities, both for people returning from countries for which the quarantine is scheduled, and both, after request from the health authority, having been identified as close contacts in one case “. “The situation described in this report, mainly related to infections contracted in the third decade of August 2020 – conclude the experts – confirms the presence of Important warning signs related to an increase in local transmission. For now, the data confirm the opportunity to maintain the prevention and control measures already adopted by the Autonomous Regions / Provinces, and to be prepared to activate new interventions in case of further deterioration ”. It is recommended that the population “pay special attention to the risk of contracting the infection in crowded situations in which the recommended measures are not followed and during periods of stay in countries or areas with greater viral circulation.” In these cases, it is recommended “pay special attention in a responsible way to the rules of behavior to prevent the transmission of Sars-CoV-2, in particular towards the most vulnerable groups of the population”.

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