
The video message of Giuseppe Conte a Sunday in, next Sunday, jumped at the last minute, but Giorgia Meloni had already bombed the Palazzo Chigi and the Rai for the announced “speech to the nation” of the prime minister of the very popular Mara Venier. Today Rai Uno informs us that, on Sunday, September 13 (in one of the most popular moments), one week from the vote, the President of the Conte Council will address a message to the Nation during Sunday in – the leader of the Brothers of Italy wrote indignantly before the prime minister’s setback -. Welcome to North Korea. Fratelli d’Italia, for its part, announces that it will immediately present a parliamentary question on commission Rai surveillance is a exhibited at Agcom to denounce this scandalous use of public service. “Who knows, maybe that’s also why Conte understood that this time the game (media) was not worth it (politics).