Rome, September 11, 2020 – Provocation with inevitable and just controversy, the one starring the parliamentarian Sonia Cunial while recording a Service aired last night (Thursday) during the first episode of the new season of ‘Blank slate’, the transmission made by Corrado Formigli in La7. A service focused precisely on deniers Covid, a very hot topic in recent weeks.
The Parlament in fact he tried to ‘kiss’ the envoy of ‘Blank slate’ Alessio Lasta while trying to interview her at the Coronavirus, to show that “there is no need to maskIt is precisely one of the passages of a larger service that aired last night and that shows the journalist trying to talk to Cunial and he comes ‘assaulted’ of the parliamentarian who try to kiss him.
“You know yourself you are getting sick While wearing the mask? Cunial said, addressing the reporter during the discussion, which later escalated into an altercation. keep respect for the 35 thousand dead, ”Lasta replied.
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter of September 11
Only on September 5, Sara Cnuial, former member of the 5 Stelle Movement, now in the Mixed Group, had participated in the demonstration in Rome released by the so-called deniers galaxy (which did not include mask or vax). “Saturday September 5 – announced – I will be in Piazza Bocca della Verità with the Popolo delle Mamme and with all those who call for the suspension of the Azzolina and Lorenzin Law “on vaccines” and the immediate restoration of constitutional and fundamental rights, which have been trampled and outraged during too much time. Let’s save the children from the health dictatorship ”.
Cunial is known for her positions in vaccinations and other debated theories, and it is founder with Davide Barillari, former advisor of M5S Lazio of the R2020 movement for the “Well-being of people and the Earth”. For her “masks, distancing, vaccines, hypermedicalization and hypercontrol are sides of the same coin, they are annihilating the soul of our future and the memory of humanity”.
Those that “covid does not exist”
Travel to the world of deniers. @alessiolasta @GregorioRomeo https://t.co/m1aoI3EUv0#flush table
– Piazzapulita La7 (@ PiazzapulitaLA7)
September 10, 2020
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