Substitutes, in Lazio school rankings contracts for ten days, after GPS


student teacher

The Lazio School Office has issued a note, with which it communicates that substitutes for teachers will be assigned by school rankings: for the new provincial rankings, in fact, it will still take a few days.

Following the approval of the new provincial rankings, the school offices began operations to identify the holders of fixed-term teaching contracts, but, according to the RSU for Lazio, many will continue after September 14, once there are started the year.

In the meantime – underline the note -, In any case, it is necessary to fill the available places for any reason, until the identification of a new title after the approval of new rankings (see article 41 CCNL 4/19/18)“.

For this reason, each school and educational institution must use the school rankings referred to in the Minister’s ordinance no. 60 of 2020. As of Friday / Saturday school classifications must be delivered to schools, recommends the note. The positions will be covered until the arrival of the holder, and therefore with ten-day contracts and with the termination clause referred to in article 41 of the national collective bargaining agreement signed on April 19, 2018.

The new provincial alternate rankings have just been approved and the procedure for identifying new candidates is not instantaneous, it is emphasized in the note.

Lazio note
