Still Vittorio Sgarbi. Still protagonist of another brawl at the Venice Film Festival. This time she collided with the security officer who asked the art critic to put on the mask. That mask that Sgarbi has spent weeks on some kind of crusade. After the reprimand, Sgarbi put it on but without holding his nose. Hence the second withdrawal. It is at this point that the critic becomes enraged and says to the man: “Be the c … yours, who the c … are you?”
“I’m the one who won’t let her in,” replied the man. “Don’t break my c … I won’t let you in!” The vehement replied art critic walking away. “I had my mask with me with the goat and in fact then I put it on. But first I started ranting that I wouldn’t have raised it face, joke around with an old friend, “said Sgarbi, as reported by Il Gazzettino.