Fragile workers, here is the note from the Ministry. With request form


The condition of frailty should be understood as temporary and exclusively linked to the current epidemiological situation, as indicated in the note from the Ministry. The concept of frailty must be identified “in those conditions of the worker’s state of health in the face of pre-existing pathologies that could determine, in the case of contagion, a more serious or fatal outcome and that can evolve based on new scientific knowledge, both epidemiological and clinical. “

Here is the procedure for applying for frailty status.

1. The worker requests the school director to undergo an examination by activating the health surveillance and will provide the competent doctor, at the time of the examination itself, medical documentation related to previously diagnosed pathologies, to support the doctor’s evaluation.

2. The director formally activates health surveillance by sending a specific request to the competent physician (or one of the alternative competent bodies).

3. The Director agrees with the competent doctor the organizational procedures for carrying out the visits, possibly also making the school premises available, if in the doctor’s opinion it is possible to guarantee adequate ventilation, hygiene, and non-assembly conditions; If the doctor does not consider them suitable, it will be his task to indicate to the worker a different place to carry out the visit. In the event that surveillance has been activated in any of the competent alternative bodies, the agency involved will notify the worker of the place and date of the visit.

4. The school director provides the competent doctor with a detailed description of the work performed by the worker, of the job / environment where the activity is carried out, as well as information regarding the prevention and protection measures adopted to mitigate the risk of Covid -19 to inside the school.

5. The competent physician, based on the results of the visit, “will express the judgment of suitability, providing, as a priority, indications for the adoption of more precautionary solutions for the health of the worker or worker in the face of the risk of SARS-CoV – 2 (Covid-19), reserving the sentence of temporary disability only for cases that do not allow alternative solutions ”(Circular from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies of September 4, 2020, n. 13). visit should be repeated periodically also depending on the epidemiological trend.

6. The Director, based on the instructions of the competent doctor, makes the necessary decisions.

Application form

Download the note

Fragile workers, here is the interministerial circular with the latest clarifications [PDF]
