Supplenze 2020 from Gae and Gps, operations are virtual [VIDEO] – School News


They’re on the go these days Assignment of annual substitute jobs for the academic year. 2020/2021 and one of the many innovations, also due to the risk of Covid, is represented by the methods of carrying them out.

Virtual assignments for substitutes

This year, in fact, we will not witness the scenes to which we were used, that is, large classrooms crowded with aspiring substitutes summoned for assignment of tasks by the provincial school offices, obviously having to avoid any form of meeting.

Therefore, the procedures for participating in the assignment of assignments “remotely” have been published in the headquarters of the different territorial schools, by filling in specific forms that contain, among other things, the list of site preferences, with The possibility of Expressing the will to accept a professorship for external time ending in the same municipality or between different municipalities and the delegation to accept the Manager of the territorial area.

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Through the preferences expressed in these forms, which will be sent via email to the territorial office of the school or to the specially identified polo schools, the tasks will be assigned according to the order of classification.

Once the assignment of substitutes has been completed, the list of assigned positions will be published on the website of the Provincial Delegation.

What happens if an attachment is missing with my choice of locations?

In case of not attaching the model for the choice of locations, the location will be assigned ex officio taking into account the proximity to the municipality of residence of the applicant while, in the event that the participation email in the calls is not sent, The candidate will be considered to resign, with the consequent loss of the possibility of obtaining assignments from Gae and GPS for the same place or class of competition to which the call for the current school year refers.

At this point, however, it is legitimate to wonder within what limits it will be possible to verify the regularity of the assignment operations, especially with regard to the assignment of the position in compliance with the ranking order, since everything will take place behind the scenes. inside the halls of provincial school offices.

Supplenze 2020, we start with the calls. Frequently asked questions
