Santori takes out mothballs (and pits the crowd against the center right)


Mattia Santori, l ‘“eternal child who believes he can change the world”, has returned to being the parsley on the left. Fresh from his beatification in a monotonous portrait posted on the Facebook page “6000 sardines”, he reappears here (look!) Right on the occasion of the next regional elections, where the left risks another blowout, and whipping people that harangue the danger of law. At the beginning of the year it had been a panacea for Stefano Bonaccini who, until the end, was in danger of being stripped of Emilia Romagna by Lucia Borgonzoni. The League had almost touched the blow but in the end the red fief did not have the courage to turn the page. The same opportunity is now in the hands of another player from the Northern League, Susanna Ceccardi. In this round, however, she faces a much weaker candidate than Bonaccini, Eugenio Giani. So, as soon as the polls suggested face-to-face, the sardine boss rushed to the aid of his companions.

I describe the other sardines on Facebook like this: “A dreamer, a volcano of ideas and emotions, visions, perspectives”. Still: “An extremely sensitive and tough person at the same time, who feels empathy for the suffering of others but who fights to the limit for a just cause”. More more: “A driver who loves to get involved and involved, an eternal child who believes that he can change the world through an inner change”. In short, holy Santori right away. The tones are more or less the same. Bonaccini, who escaped badly last year, looks with concern at the new electoral round (The Democratic Party risks losing 7-0) and pays tribute to the leader of a movement that has been acting as a crutch for months. Democratic party. “Las Sardinas have filled the squares because the left has no longer called anyone to the square”, admits the governor that of the eight points of difference, with which the administrative won, he knows well that at least three have moved Santori & Co that in Elly Schlein they have seen their “political reference”. Not surprisingly, in last January’s elections, the former piddì MEP, now a Bonaccini deputy, won the polls by setting the record for preferences (more than 22,000).

Giani’s hope is that sardines can perform the same “miracle.” And here they are again swimming in politics, low-hitting everyone to get a little more consensus. The aggression of the Congolese woman in the square, who like crazy tore off his shirt and rosary? Matteo salvini, deep down he looked for it. “Given that a certain policy pursues consent, it lives from this and for this reason, abusing verbal and non-verbal violent language – he said in an interview with theDnakronos – in the face of continuous provocation, it is not improbable or improbable that violent response behaviors will be found “. And the Democratic Party? “He needs new blood, he needs a party that gives voice to his base”, then pontificated giving Zingaretti a lecture for his “yes” to referendum and promising to meet “the front of No” next Sunday in Rome. A tear? No way. Below the dem, people are not as excited about the parliamentary cut. And so, once again, here are the sardines trying to work out the belly of the leftist electorate.

For months when Italy faced the emergency coronavirus, Santori has hidden in the house. Now he has once again harangued “his” people, also criticizing Piddini’s comrades but later throwing them to the polls. It is not clear what he wants to do when he is older. On the contrary, Ceccardi, who is the same age as the head of the sardine, has decided to put her face on it for some time: first as mayor of Cascina, now as a candidate from the center-right to the regional of Tuscany . She knows she can lose, she has taken it into account. But she also knows that the game is on. A bet that, at least for the moment, Santori does not feel like doing: thus, while still being good at filling the squares catalyzing thehate from left to right, he stays away from the electoral confrontation. It is not known if for fear of the result or why more.
