Today’s infections and comparison with the first wave


The numbers of new infections in the two countries are worrying: according to the latest bulletins, both register an increase in the number of daily cases that exceeds the period of the first wave. However, when comparing the figures, there is a clear difference in terms of deaths and admissions to intensive care between the period of March to April and the first weeks of September. However, the trend is growing again

The data on new coronavirus infections in France and Spain are alarming. According to the latest bulletins, both countries registered an increase in the number of daily cases greater than the March-April period. There are just under 10 thousand (9,843) new positive cases detected in France on September 10, figures that confirm the upward trend of all epidemic parameters. The latest bulletin from the Spanish Ministry of Health reported 10,764 new positives that bring the total number of infected people in the country since the start of the pandemic to more than half a million: 554,143. However, despite the very high and certainly worrying figures, we are still a long way from collapse or even chaos due to the overcrowding of the first wave in French and Spanish hospitals. The number of daily deaths is also much lower (LIVE UPDATES – COVID-19 SPECIAL).

France, the new infections and the numbers of the first wave


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In France, since the end of August, there have been fifty thousand new positives every week, almost 10,000 in just the last 24 hours. This is a figure never before reached: in the period of closure from March to April, the peak was reached on March 31, with 7,578 new cases. Instead, the last record of infections was reported on September 4, with 8,975. The country is also struggling with some outbreaks in schools: 32 schools and 524 classrooms that have been closed due to Covid-19 cases since reopening on September 1. In total, 392,243 cases have been registered since the start of the pandemic.

Increased tampons

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Surely the increase in infections coincided with an increase in the number of tampons made: the total doubled during the summer, exceeding the weekly average of 800,000. However, the authorities pointed out that the increase does not explain the strong positive rate (4.5%). “Since the beginning of July – he explained, according to reports Republic, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health – the number of patients examined has increased by just over 2 times and the number of new cases by 12 times ”.

The confrontation of victims and hospitalized in France

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The General Directorate of Health of France reported the death of 29 people on the last day (a total of 30,813), while 352 were hospitalized for coronavirus in 24 hours, a figure lower than the last two days. 54 patients were admitted to the resuscitation rooms, again a lower number than in the last 2 days. In total there are 608. If we compare the number of victims in the March-April period with the current one, the difference is clear: in April, in particular, peaks of up to 1,438 deaths per day were recorded (on April 14). In recent weeks, however, she has never exceeded 38 (on September 8). Regarding hospitalizations and intensive care, in this case also the figures show the difference with the period of confinement: in April, in particular, there had never been less than 4 thousand resuscitation patients, with a peak of 7,004 on April 8. . In recent weeks, yesterday’s 608 was the highest number. However, the curve is growing and, for example, in Marseille, all 70 resuscitation posts are already filled.

The numbers in Spain

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In Spain, the latest bulletin from the Ministry of Health reported 10,764 new positives that bring the total number of infected in the country since the start of the pandemic to 554,143: it is the first country in Western Europe to exceed 500,000 cases. It should be noted, however, that the ministry’s daily count does not include only the cases discovered with the tests carried out the day before: 4,137 yesterday, that is, 273 less than on Wednesday. But also the results of tests carried out on previous dates. So much so that epidemiologist Fernando Simón, director of the Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies, has assured that “the second wave is stabilizing.” When comparing the figures with March-April, it is observed that the figure registered at the peak of the pandemic has been exceeded in terms of new infections. In March, the record number of cases was registered on the 26th, with 9,159 new positives. This figure has already been exceeded four times in the last two weeks. Also in this case it must be reiterated that the number of swabs carried out has definitely increased: the Spanish authorities affirm that only one case out of 10 was detected in March, while now the detection rate could be between 70 and 90 percent . . In Spain, as in much of the rest of the world, the average age of cases has dropped: at the end of March it was 59, today it is 38. One figure is undoubtedly worrying: in the last 14 days, the Iberian country has registered 260 infections per 100,000 inhabitants, twice the level in France.

The confrontation of victims and hospitalized in Spain

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The latest bulletin indicates 71 new deaths in Spain: a total of 29,699. In proportion to the number of infected, the country is among those with the lowest fatality rate in Europe, along with Germany. If compared with the figures for March and April, the figures also show a very different situation: on March 31, 929 victims were registered, the negative record. In recent weeks, however, the maximum recorded was reached on September 4, with 184 deaths. In recent days, the increase in intensive care hospitalizations is of particular concern. The Community of Madrid registers 17% of rooms occupied by coronavirus, while the Spanish average stands at just over 7%. In absolute numbers, with 1,107 new admissions, almost 8,400 patients affected by Covid-19 are currently hospitalized, of which 1,131 are in intensive care. Once again we are far from the numbers of spring: in April they reached 10,000.
