The ‘plan for the restart’ of the Venetian school in a simple booklet, distributed to all schools of all levels in Veneto, state and equal, and to local authorities to remind students and teachers, families and managers, staff assistant and administrative all the rules of conduct for a safe return to class
The Regional Office of Schools and the Department of Education and Training of the Veneto Region – read the press release of the Region – have prepared an agile reminder of the safety protocol guidelines for the Covid emergency school, in view of the return to school, next Monday, of the 700 thousand Venetian students and school operators of the 600 state institutes and more than 1,300 schools of the same system, as well as of the 21 thousand students and 3 thousand operators of the more than 130 professional schools from Veneto.
The brochure summarizes the indications that arise from the main national and local documents adopted to prevent and combat Covid 10 in the school environment for students, teachers, family members and caregivers, for adequate health surveillance and to monitor all phases of the school activity: from rules for entering and leaving the school environment, the behavior to be adopted in the classroom during teaching activities, the organization of spaces, the tasks entrusted to technical and auxiliary staff, to emergency cases, that is, if a student or teacher manifests the symptoms of virus positivity.
“In a nutshell, the brochure summarizes in simple words all the key points of the school safety protocol. – stresses the director of the school’s regional office, Carmela Palumbo – specifying obligations and recommendations. I would call it a ‘reminder’, aimed at all components of the school world, from students to families, from teaching staff to technical and administrative staff, as well as local managers and administrators, to remember all aspects of the ‘special attention’ to be observed, with responsibility, respect for the safety of all and the peaceful resumption of educational activities”.
“The Veneto region was the first to develop an ‘operational manual’ to reopen our schools safely in July, in conjunction with the school’s regional office. – recalls the Regional Councilor for Education and Training – Thanks also to the support of the Veneto Health Prevention Department, we were able to immediately give instructions to local authorities and schools so that, through local service conferences, they could reorganize spaces, teaching and access methods . The Region has also helped schools with its own resources, particularly those for vocational training, to cope with the increased burdens dictated by prevention devices and regulations. I believe that this formulary can be one more help for everyone, administrators, families and school operators, to face the new stage of the restart with awareness, confidence and the necessary spirit of collaboration.”.