Student at home with fever (or illness)? The pediatrician or doctor decides


After the Coronavirus emergency, what happens after September 14 if a student stays home for several days with a fever, malaise, or other ailments? This is clarified by the Region, with the Department of Health Policies, and the Regional School Office (Usr) through the “Operational Guidelines for the reopening of schools and for the management of cases and outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in the schools of Emilia-Romagna “. Document that was sent to school administrators, educational coordinators, public health managers, pediatricians, and general practitioners throughout the region.

Specifically, in the case of symptoms that have caused the expulsion of a student from school or the absence for several days, according to the assessment of the pediatrician of choice or the general practitioner, two situations may arise.

If a case of Covid-19 is suspected, the pediatrician of free choice (or GP) evaluates whether to request the execution of the diagnostic swab in the form in which it is used in his company. In the event of a positive result, the Department of Public Health will notify the school referral Covid-19 and the student will remain at home until the symptoms disappear and the negative result of two swabs, performed at least 24 hours apart, following the instructions. of the Department regarding readmission to the community.

The student will then return to school with a certificate from the Department of Public Health that they have recovered. In case of negativity, however, the pediatrician of free choice (or general practitioner), once the symptoms have been overcome, will present a return certificate in which the negative result of the swab must be reported.

In line with the 2020-2021 School Plan of the Ministry of Education, in the Operational Indications “we refer to individual responsibility with respect to the health status of their own or of minors entrusted to parental authority”.

In the case, on the contrary, of symptoms not attributable to Covid-19, the pediatrician of free choice (or general practitioner) will manage the situation as usual, indicating the treatment measures to the family and agreeing, depending on the frame evolution. clinic, the times to return to the community. As required by the regional law of July 16, 2015, n. 9 – art. 36 (“Simplification of health certifications in the field of health protection in schools”): no medical certification is required for readmission to school, and no family self-certification.

