Coronavirus: all outbreaks in the province of Brescia


Beyond family groups, also reported in the latest report on infections in all municipalities of the province, another eight major outbreaks are active in the Brescia area, and of which at least 80 people have already been infected. Write it in Brescia newspaper: According to reports from Ats, the health protection agency, it would be mainly infections that return from vacation.

Shoots back from vacation

This is the case of the two outbreaks (different from each other) returning from Sardinia, which would involve a total of thirty people, most of them asymptomatic. But there are also “holiday” infections for 4 people who have returned from the Riviera Romagnola and for another 3 (two of whom with symptoms) who return from the Island of Elba. The outbreak caused by the girls who returned from Croatia at the beginning of August is already known in the news: at least a dozen are infected at the moment.

Outbreak in Soiano: 16 positives

Not less the most numerous outbreaks: even 16 positives in a residence in Soiano del Lago, in the outbreak that involved several families living in the same complex in August. In hospital terms, it is perhaps the most worrying: of the 16 people positive for Covid, 4 are already in the hospital, and among them there is a hospitalization in intensive care.

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Outbreaks in the city of Brescia

Finally, the two sources detected in the city. The first involves 13 people (out of a total of 22 guests) among the residents of the Tenda di Abramo dormitory in Viale Venezia: only one of them is ill and is already in the hospital. But there is also a small outbreak in Civil: 7 positives in the switchboard department of the administrative offices, of which approximately half with symptoms. However, none of them would have had contact with the public attending the hospital or with other patients.
