Salvatore lady
Confidence drops Giuseppe Conte. According to the latest data compiled by Political Thermometer, positive views on the Prime Minister’s work are 41.4 percent. It is a free descent compared to the peaks of recent months, when it came, according to some statistical institutes, even 70 percent of satisfaction. What happened to the prime minister? There are several explanations behind this decrease in personal consent. Probably the fact that for three weeks Conte lost track of himself. He took a break, after months of stress and strain, to recharge his batteries. Reappearing the other day at the Democratic Party party. Another thesis: the Contian consensus grew artificially during the confinement. So much for the overexposure of the head of government, with continuous direct networks to unified; both because the Italians have positively judged the prime minister’s pulse in managing the emergency (only to think about it later); and by a curious form of massive Stockholm syndrome, which should probably be studied by sociologists or psychiatrists. The fact is that, again according to Political Thermometer, Conte had been a steady increase.
“The ombudsman” had an understandable decline in the passage from Conte 1, supported by the League, to Conte 2, born with the support of the Democratic Party. But then it had regained ground: «The small rebound in January and February of this year at 40.4% and at 39.1% it had marked a stabilization at decent levels, but what made the difference was the emergence of the coronavirus, which in Italy and abroad marked a phase of high confidence in the governments in power “, reads the analysis of TP. So Conte’s approval quickly rose to 45.5% in March, 49.9% in April and even 59% in May. ” In three months, this consensus appears to have collapsed. And now there are some challenges that could further reduce Conte’s prestige: the Regionals, the referendum on cutting parliamentarians, the reopening of schools, the growing economic crisis, the use of European funds. An obstacle course. During which the prime minister could also end up succumbing, if the majority parties hypothesized, as they are in fact doing, of change the address of Palazzo Chigi.
According to 62.6% of Italians, the Regionals of September 20 and 21 “will see the center-right prevail over the center-left. For 24.6% the final result will be 5-1 for the center right, for 32.1% it will be 4-2 while for 5.9% it will even end with a coat (6-0). Only 7.7% “, according to the data processed by Termometro Politico for the broadcast of La7, Coffee Break”, bet on a victory for the center-left, while 16.1% predicts a tie. There is also 4.5% who assume that the M5S will win only in at least one of the Regions that will go to vote. But, what could be the consequences for the government of a possible victory of the center-right in the Regionals? Only 2 out of 10 Italians believe in a fall of the Conte government. The relative majority (45.2%) believe that the appearance of tensions with the consequent reorganization is more likely ”. The interviewed sample is also asked about the increasing number of Covid-19 infections. Who is responsible for this (almost) second wave? “40.8% blame everyone, 17.7% disembarked and uncontrolled immigrants.” The increase in infections, concludes Termometro Politico, “is linked in the reopening of schools That shakes the dream of the government. There are those who ask for a postponement, but the majority of Italians (65.7%) are in favor of reopening on the 14th ».