Possible new suspects in Willy’s death. Belleggia: “The whites have ‘advised’ me to be silent”


The suspects in Willy’s death could increase. Investigators in these hours are listening to other people that the night the young man died, after being severely beaten with kicks and punches, they were in Colleferro. And they probably saw something or participated in the fight.

The charge, for the moment, is of intentional murder in competition for Marco and Gabriele Bianchi, Francesco Belleggia and Mario Pincarelli and of complicity for the friend who was driving the truck. But the crime hypothesis could become more serious: become willful murder. Even the investigating judge, in the order in which he validated the arrest for everyone except Belleggia, did not rule it out. In the meantime, there is an element on which he could leverage the defense of the whites, to demonstrate – as several voices have already reported – that they have intervened after a discussion had already begun, by summoned by his friend, Michele. Before receiving the phone call, the suspects stated in front of the investigating judge that they were having sex with some girls near the cemetery.

In the order that validates the arrest, Marco Bianchi introduces the element: “When questioned first, he reported that he left the pub in the company of his brother, a friend and three girls whose names he could not give, while they had a sexual relationship ‘near the cemetery’ they received a phone call from Cerquozzi who, according to him, got into a violent argument in Colleferro, asking them to intervene in his rescue ”.

Belleggia’s story: “Bianchi told me to shut up”

Awaiting a turning point, which could come shortly, the focus remains on Willy’s last hours. The reconstruction is based on the testimonies of those who, on the night of September 5 to 6, were in Colleferro, the reconstruction of the night in which Willy Monteiro Duarte was attacked, beaten, until his death. Some details are missing, not all versions are 100% superimposable, but the story of the 21-year-old Italian-Cape Verdean’s friends essentially goes in the same direction. It is the investigating judge himself, Giuseppe Boccarrato, who wrote in the order that it was possible to return a “complete reconstruction of history” despite “the obvious difficulties of perception and the inaccuracies of memory imposed (…) by the excitement. of the episode “.

However, there is a part of the evening that the witnesses will not be able to reconstruct. Around 3.30 on September 6, Willy is already on the ground dying, the suspects move from Colleferro to Artena. Everyone in the Bianchi brothers’ truck, except Pincarelli who caught up with them in another vehicle. They all arrive at the Artena bar where they will later be arrested by the Carabinieri. With the Bianchi and Belleggia – as reported by the papers of the investigating judge, based on the reconstruction of the latter – were Vittorio, the fifth suspect, whom the prosecutors only dispute complicity and complicity, and two other friends, Omar and Michele. The beating has just happened, what do the boys say who, according to the accusation, were responsible? Also in this case, it is Belleggia who rebuilds. On the way from Colleferro to Artena, he says: “Mario Pincarelli said he hit Willy while he was on the ground. Mario was by my side, after the arrival of the whites he intervenes in the fight ”. Then, however, he specifies: “I have not seen Mario’s shots.” Witnesses, however, speak of more people beating Willy. And they attribute a predominant role to the Bianchi brothers.

There are only a few minutes left for the meeting with the carabinieri, who will take them to the barracks, when the two Bianchi brothers allegedly “advised” (a term also quoted in the newspapers) not to speak. Keep silent about what happened the night of September 5 to 6 in Colleferro. Belleggia, however, will decide to speak. And her version will be considered valid by the investigators, to lighten – without prejudice to the murder charge – at least in part her charge.

The Bianchi brothers, on the other hand, admitted to the magistrate only that they had gone to Colleferro but that they had tried to act as peacemakers. “There was some shoving, but Willy did not touch him”, is the meaning of what they said during the interrogation.

The Pincarelli story remains different and much more concise. The investigating judge, “unlike the statements of the other suspects”, limited himself to saying that the Bianchi brothers had come to Colleferro to look for Belleggia – who was arguing with Federico, a friend of Willy’s – and that “they had not touched anyone “. .

Three contradictory versions on which the researchers will have to work. Meanwhile, the day after the autopsy, the date of the funeral of the 21-year-old from Paliano has been set. They will take place on Saturday, in your country. The tears of the family remain, locked in the house in their pain. And, as the days go by, the bright tones of social networks do not stop: threats to the suspects and also to their defender.

The threats to the white lawyer. Caiazza (Criminal Chamber): “In a barbarous context perceived as obstacles to summary justice”

While insults against the suspects multiply on social networks, strong threats – including death – come to the lawyer Massimiliano Pica, who defends the brothers Bianchi and Pincarelli. Those who frequent the Velletri forum speak of the “heavy air” that is breathed in the area. In a context, that of murder, in which robes are the target of the work they carry out: assisting a defendant in the investigation and trial, whether or not he is responsible for a crime. And to side with the threatened lawyers is, among others, the president of the Criminal Chamber, Giandomenico Caiazza, who told AdnKronos: “Typical climate of a country that has lost its civil and liberal culture. The lawyer, in a context barbarized by the trials that are taking place in parallel in the media, becomes an obstacle to summary justice, for which he must be threatened and eliminated ”.
