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There is one element, more than any other, that explains how Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni have aligned their parties in Yes to the referendum, but deep down he would not care if No. won. No one from both ministries arrived. invitation, no indication, no persuasion to campaign for the cut-off of MPs. And this could affect the end result. Lorenzo Pregliasco, from the Quorum voting institute, explains: “It is enough that one voter in five of Lega and Fratelli d’Italia goes from yes to no than, calculating an electoral basin of around 40%, 8% of the votes it would change the next 20 and 21 September “.
“We have not given any indication – explains a source from the Carroccio control room – on the Regionals and on the administrative ones, yes, on the referendum no.” From the base, parliamentary or not, numerous confirmations arrive. The same that rained from the Melonian right, with the addition that “the majority of our people will vote No”. Everything hidden, everything covered, “because Giorgia has deployed the party in the Yes, and for consistency it cannot be turned around.” “They are two Leninist parties, so to speak, in structure – explains the sociologist Massimiliano Panarari – with a strong personal vocation. Disagreement would not be allowed there if it is not authorized ”. Like that of Gianmarco Senna, regional councilor in Lombardy, with a history of preferences in Milan and its province: “My position for him is not clear, and the leaders have not dictated any”. Senna confirms: “We and our sections have never received any indication to campaign for Yes.”
A potentially decisive element: “They left with a mobilizable electorate,” Pregliasco explains, “obviously their personal commitment would have helped ensure the result.” Several big names are keeping quiet so as not to disprove the balancing act of the leaders. That of Giancarlo Giorgetti on the one hand makes noise, that of Guido Crosetto on the other has lasted twenty days, which has never hidden being for No. Paolo Grimoldi, secretary of the League in Lombardy, broke it today: “On a personal basis, but vote no. “
A source from the Carroccio tells an interesting background: “When it was considered whether or not to cut the government contract with the 5 stars, nobody was enthusiastic. There were those who said yes because everyone loved him so much, and who stressed that perhaps the Constitution had to be careful to touch it. That is also why Senna explains that “many of our people will vote no, here in the Council many will vote like me.” The few critical voices that are raised against the trend are more than tolerated. Claudio Borghi, who said no, said that his position did not cause him to be reprimanded or beaten by the secretary: “The reason is simple – he tells Huffpost – in the classroom the party’s discipline is strict, if we make a decision everything fit in. The constitutional referendum is something that concerns the citizens, we are talking about something very different. “
Panarari explains that No’s victory would be very convenient for Salvini and Meloni: “For the opposition it is the only real way to put a discontinuity in Palazzo Chigi. It would be a disruptive and incomprehensible result, unlike the regional ones, which will be awarded a thousand distinctions, and where Salvini has already shot himself in the foot saying that the center-right will win 7-0, at least an unlikely result ”. Pregliasco identifies an element that may have advised us to avoid somersaults and turn to No: “Paradoxically, compared to the Renzi referendum, the 5 stars are too weak, and orchestrating a campaign to vote No to send them home would not have had the same effect than then. “. But, Panarari continues, the dissent speaks for itself, “because in those Caesarist parties it would be impossible if there were not a margin granted from above.” Margin that garter belts like Senna take every inch: “It’s not the only way to give a shoulder to these scoundrels.”