In the Juventus transfer market, there is a great risk: “Chaos can explode!”


Calciomercato Juventus – The alarm bells keep ringing louder at Juventus: beware what could happen

Juventus transfer market: great risk at Juventus.

Juventus transfer market, the red alarm sounds

LATEST NEWS JUVE MARKET – Many, many, the questions still open and to be resolved in Juventus regarding the Juventus transfer market. From the ballot for the new holder, to the great problem of transfers. From the other shots still planned to complete the squad, to some “cases” that continue to have the Juventus fans on edge. All the situations that, sooner or later, will have to find a definitive way out. Fabio Paratici is working on each of these fronts, but there is one in particular that worries and not a little in Turin.

We are obviously talking about the future of Paulo Dybala, still divided between a renewal that would lock him up in Juve and the rumors of the market. The well-known journalist Stefano Agresti spoke it in depth. “Juve, Dybala’s contract and the vulture effect: Paulo signs or chaos breaks out”. This is how the director of, who underlined how, in the absence of the signing of the contract before the end of this market session, the danger of losing the Joya could become very real.

“If the Juventus club does not lock up its striker now, it runs the risk of presenting itself in a year with an extraordinarily valuable player – also from an economic point of view – close to expiration. A nice problem ”, writes Agresti who later concludes:“ It is to avoid that the vulture effect also involves Dybala that Juve must renew their contract in a short time. Otherwise, the risk of the Argentinian flying free becomes real“In short, among the many issues that are still at stake, Paratici will also have to pay close attention to the one related to Paulo Dybala, who has dragged on for too long without a solution. However, as mentioned, among the other (big) problems that need to be resolved as soon as possible, there is also the exit market. Is hePirlo can green light up to 9 deletions – here’s the full blacklist! >>> GO TO THE NEWS
