
Sant’Elpidio a Mare, September 10, 2020 – Covid is also rearing its head in the Fermano area. There are 18 positives for coronavirus (13 seniors and 5 operators) in one private retirement home for the elderly, in the territory of Sant’Elpidio a Mare (Fermo), after the death of a 92 year old guest, checked in today. L ‘invited who had experienced symptoms consistent with the virus and had tested positive on the swab, the carpet examination was initiated which gave numerous confirmations. Another 12 infected elderly, along with five employees of the protected residence, the Villa of the jasmine, on the outskirts of the town of Bivio Cascinare. The facility has been closed and all the patients, including the six negatives, transferred to the RSA Anni Azzurri in Campofilone, separating the infected Covid, for which the Region has granted RSA accreditation, from those who have not contracted the virus.
Among employees there are five positives out of eight but it is being verified whether other collaborators have also recently visited the protected residence.
We also try to clarify the origin of the outbreak. The most likely hypothesis is that it all started with a person who recently returned to work from Sardinia: Infection with the virus could have occurred in that region, where fairly widespread infections have developed since August and then been transmitted to patients.
“Epidemiological investigations have begun to verify the contacts made by the positives, based on who has entered the structure in recent days – explains the mayor Alessio Terrenzi, we are in close contact with Dr. Ciarrocchi from Asur’s prevention department, who is overseeing the situation. ”“ The matter obviously becomes a priority. – He adds – In addition to dealing with positives, we must stop any contagion, the front on which we are and are
Always be careful. ” The mayor closes with a reassuring message to the families of the people who stayed in the retirement home: “The relatives of the guests can rest easy. – he says – Everything possible is being done to keep the situation under control. “Meanwhile, an extraordinary meeting on the subject is being held in the prefecture.
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