ADL goes to Rome by ambulance accompanied by his wife and Edo
Last news Napoli Calcio – Today is a day of tension for Aurelio De Laurentiis. The Napoli skipper, in fact, has discovered that he is positive for Coronavirus and now everyone is concerned about his condition. Aside from the fact that the symptoms at the moment do not seem alarming, the president of the Partnepean club has decided to move, as a precaution, to Rome, to the Gemelli hospital, for further investigations. For this reason he left Capri and landed in Molo Luise with his wife. An ambulance and his son Edo were waiting for them both. Everything was immortalized by the photos taken by Ciro De Luca for CalcioNapoli24. Below is also a video sent to the editorial staff of CalcioNapoli24
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