Coronavirus, Toti: “In the Spezzino the situation has stabilized” – Chronicle


The President of Liguria Giovanni Toti
The President of Liguria Giovanni Toti

La Spezia, September 10, 2020 – “We have no particular concerns, no particular critical issues neither in hospital beds nor under hospital pressure. At first glance, but it is an evaluation that does not yet have all the data of the day, the situation has stabilized“So the president of the Liguria region Giovanni toti, speaking with journalists about the coronavirus emergency and the situation in the province of La Spezia.

“The night was not particularly heavy – he continued – The number of hospitalized fluctuates around yesterday, we will see the number of tampons made and the work of the camper in the area of ​​Piazza Brin, where there is more concentration.” This afternoon, the government will meet again with the mayor of Spezia to receive updates. “In schools – Toti emphasizes – we will decide with the latest useful data for tomorrow. Our intention, if possible, is to open schools throughout the region but if there are specific risks we will make prudent decisions as we have always done ”.
