28 Covid positive. And two attended a wedding


ASCOLI – Wednesday September 9 will go down in history for being the day with the highest number of contagion in the province of Ascoli since the beginning of the pandemic. The analysis laboratory detected 28 positive swabs in Piceno (14 in Lisciano and 9 in Offida). And, unfortunately, among infected people there are not only asymptomatic people.

Contagions in the Marches: beware of travel and nightlife. Hospitalizations are falling, but there is one more in intensive care

The alarm returns to the nursing home: positive elderly, tampons for guests and staff

“The situation is very worrying – says Dr. Fortunato, head of the analysis laboratory of the vast Area 5 – because the situation has been getting worse since the beginning of the month. Citizens must absolutely maintain social distancing or in any case wear protective equipment ”. Yesterday on the positive list there are also two guests to a marriage. And now all the defendants are shaking. From trips to Corfu and Sardinia, infections are now linked to parties and social events where it’s hard to keep your distance.

The chain of contacts
Meanwhile, the number of people placed in home isolation is also increasing, reaching more than three hundred. And the number of trackers, unfortunately, runs the risk of not being enough. For this reason, at the request of the general director of the vast Area 5, Cesare Milani, the regional health company has decided to reinforce the staff and in particular the prevention department. The hiring of 55 health workers (mainly 24 nurses also to perform swabs and for intensive and subintensive therapies and support to the Usca and 31 community nurses) and eight doctors, three social workers and three prevention technicians to trace the chain of contacts. The Family and Community Nurse is a professional responsible for family and community nursing processes, with specialized knowledge and skills in primary care and public health. Its function is to promote health, prevention and manage individual, family and community health processes within the primary care system in multiprofessional networks. The aim is to form multiprofessional teams that share as much as possible the same nucleus of patients, where obviously the family doctor, the family pediatrician, but also the social workers, with whom the nurses share a lot at the level of territorial activity when attend. frailty and disability, psychologists and other professionals such as physiotherapists, speech therapists. All at home with a professional coordination mechanism that is a kind of mutual adaptation between professions.
The assumptions
Meanwhile, the general direction of the vast area hired, through the stipulation of an indefinite individual employment contract, Dr. Giorgia Rubini and Dr. Maria Laura Iacchetti, as medical director of the discipline of Medicine and Surgery. acceptance and urgency, Grazia Papa, as medical director of the discipline of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, of Dr. Roberta Marra, medical director of the discipline of respiratory diseases. All contracts will be made using the ranking of the public tender.

