After Carlo De Benedetti, more mud in Silvio Berlusconi. This time to color the most vulgar of attacks is Carmela rozza, councilor for the Democratic Party in the Lombardy Region. “I wish President Berlusconi a speedy recovery – he put his hands on the dem in the classroom, at Palazzo Pirelli, on Thursday, September 10 – but these days I have reflected a lot on one thing: President Berlusconi is correctly hospitalized in the hospital for treatment, but if Berlusconi had been in a retirement home and was not President Berlusconi, you let it die in a RSA? “.
Rozza wanted to reply to the center-right that, having classified the CTS documents on the coronavirus, asked the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to assess the deficiencies of the Government of Rome in the framework of the Covid 19 health crisis. “You – Rozza thunders – have made a circular that says that older people with multiple pathologies did not go to the hospital: there is your resolution, your Advice, you wrote in a resolution that if you are over 75 and in RSA, you don’t have to be hospitalized. Fortunately, President Berlusconi was not in RSA and could afford to be hospitalizedIt is a pity, however, that the dem forgets that, in that terrible period, the hospitals collapsed. Not only that, it is clear from the minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee that Attilio Fontana and Giulio Gallera, respectively President of the Lombardy Region and Minister of Social Welfare, have been left alone by the government.
To answer the piddina he thought about it Riccardo De Corato, director of the Brothers of Italy and security adviser of the Lombardy Region: “The phrase expressed today in the Regional Council by the representative of the Democratic Party Carmela Rozza is ugly, in fact, very ugly. There is only one way to remedy one fall of style as serious as inappropriate: apologize to President Berlusconi and the Regional Council of Lombardy. “