
There is no peace for him P.SWhen you least expect it, the friendly fire of Roberto Saviano. The Gomorrah writer went to the dem’s assault, now “alone water steam“Saviano says in an interview with Print and a series of tweets directed at Democratic Party leaders containing a series of stab wounds that send the left into a tailspin. So that Andrea Orlando talks about “insults” and the fall of the writer’s style while the leader of the dem group in Palazzo Madama Andrea Marcucci says he has disagreed with Saviano “for years.”

“Because it can only be held out by those who have no position in anything and justify their existence for 25 years, first in opposition to Berlusconi and then to Salvini. Outraged when they are in opposition and leaving everything the same (to better manage power) when I am in government. Is this political? It seems to me an art of survival ”, words of Roberto Saviano after the tweet addressed to the secretary. Nicola Zingaretti in which he spoke of “lies“of the Pd.” The first and greatest is the change of course in the migration policies. The Libyan drama is so enormous that only history can do justice to the immense suffering of human beings that we prefer to ‘manage’ by paying directly to their executioners. “It is offensive not to talk about anything while on the other side of the Mediterranean people suffer the pains of” Diablos. This is Zingaretti’s main problem: he shows great determination on shit and profane on fundamental issues. “
Then there is the yes to the cut of the parliamentarians: “Regarding the position of the Democratic Party, I could vote no, maybe, maybe … they don’t believe in anything. One thing is as good as the other. Because they would be or were ‘politics'”. ? “. The writer announces that he will vote no to the parliamentary cut:” After the election of the leadership, I will vote with conviction No. And mine will be a vote against this ruling class. “Commenting on the aggression suffered by Matteo salvini Instead he says: “All aggression is terrible and poisons the democratic climate.” Saviano finally returns to Pd. “He suffers from a very serious lack of political identity. He does not have a clear position on the most relevant issues. water steam“.

“I am an admirer of Saviano, I have always defended him when he was attacked for his civic commitment. I admire him for his courage, for what he wrote and for how he wrote it, without stereotypes and clichés. I cannot say the same about the style of his political considerations, “writes Andrea Orlando on Facebook, in response to a post by the writer in Dario Franceschini. “Yesterday he sent a political party and its secretary to ‘shit’ because they don’t like it. Today he insults a minister of the same party because he allows himself to defend a political community from his insults.
“Of the Democratic Party, as is normal, we can say all the good and bad in the world. For some we are responsible for almost all the atrocities on the globe, for others we are a community of serious people, the only community that holds congresses on a regular basis. and regularly elects their secretaries with the elementary school. The others, everyone else, do not do elementary school, for example, “the leader of the group at Palazzo Madama Andrea Marcucci writes on his Facebook page. “All this to say that I am a layman – I continue – I accept, read and also compare myself with those who say and write the worst things about the Democratic Party. I am not scandalized by free criticism, not even by Roberto Saviano. I consider the journalist a point of civil reference for his meritorious and tenacious fight against the mafia. I have not shared his political evaluations for years, from the fierce ones against the Renzi government and against the 2016 referendum, to those of the last days on the Democratic Party and on Nicola Zingaretti and Dario Franceschini “. Now this Democratic Party doesn’t even support Saviano.