The Minister of Equal Opportunities and Family, Elena Bonetti, during question time, reported on the measures on smart work.
If a child under the age of 14 has to self-quarantine, in the case of Covid at school, the parent can request a smart or extraordinary work leave, which can alternatively be requested by one of the two parents.
Regarding the coverage of expenses, the benefit of compensation is recognized within an expense limit of 50 million euros for the year 2020, which would be such that it would guarantee, according to a forecast forecast, the coverage of about 50,000 cases with reference to private sector employees, taking into account a quarantine period of about 15 days “, said the minister.
Still: “I want to ensure my maximum attention and that of the entire Government to the problems of working parents and students and I am committed right now, since the epidemiological situation is constantly evolving, to take care, through my offices, to monitor new needs of the families that could arise and intervene, if necessary, with the appropriate adjustments ”.
The provision is contained in Legislative Decree 111 of September 9, 2020, which contains “Urgent provisions to meet the indelible financial and support needs for the beginning of the school year, related to the edidemiological emergency of COVID-19.”
The decree law signed by President Sergio Mattarella and published today September 9 in the Official Gazette, establishes that “A parent who is an employee may perform the work in an agile manner during all or part of the period corresponding to the duration of the child’s quarantine cohabiting partner, less than fourteen years old, ordered by the territorially competent ASL Prevention Department as a result of the contact that occurs within the school complex ”.
For the periods of leave indicated in the decree, compensation equivalent to 50 percent of the salary itself is recognized, in substitution of the salary and in accordance with paragraph 6, calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 23 of the consolidated act of the provisions legislation on protection and support for motherhood and paternalism ”, according to legislative decree March 26, 2001, n. 151, with the exception of paragraph 2 of the same article. The aforementioned periods are covered by a notional contribution “.
Family discounts are valid for one parent at a time and are valid until December 31, 2020.
For these benefits, funds of 1.5 million euros have been allocated, also destined to the replacement of school personnel who benefit from the benefits of the decree.
The possibility of accessing smartworking or leaving is closely linked to the fact that your child has contracted the disease at school.
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Back to school, paid leave and smart work if a student under 14 is in quarantine