
Ordinary competition for grade I and II of secondary school: the Ministry has not yet announced the dates for the pre-selection, nor what will be the classes of the competition in which they should be addressed.
The art. 7 of DD 499 of April 24, 2020 establishes the conditions for the eventual organization of pre-selection tests, in order to skim the number of participants who can access the written tests.
Activation conditions
Pre-selection tests are possibly organized regionally and in individual competition classes. Therefore, it may happen that a competition class provides the pre-selection test in one region and not in another: it depends on the number of places in the competition and the number of members.
In particular, they are activated when the number of participants in each competition class exceeds 250 and quadruples the number of advertised places, region by region.
Test characteristics
The test It consists of 60 questions (only one correct) and has the following characteristics:
• unique in the entire national territory;
• computer-based;
• designed to determine:
– logic skills (20 questions)
– comprehension of the text (20 questions);
– knowledge of school regulations (10 questions);
– knowledge of the English language, at least at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. (10 questions).
Available time: 60 minutes.
The questions are extracted from a database that is made known by publication on the Ministry’s website at least 20 days before the start of the pre-selection sessions.
The test Sara exceeded for a number of candidates equal to three times the number of places available in the single region for each procedure.
Candidates who obtain the same grade as the last of those admitted are also admitted to the written test.
On the other hand, candidates with disabilities will not take the pre-selection test, so they will be admitted directly to the written test, in accordance with article 20, section 2-bis, of law 104/92.
The evaluation is carried out by assigning:
• 1 point for each correct answer;
• 0 (zero) points for missing or incorrect answers.
The evaluation of the preselective test does not contribute to the useful score in order to formulate the final classification.
During the test, candidates will not be able to introduce writing paper, notes, books, dictionaries, legal texts, publications, calculation tools, portable telephones and suitable tools for storing or transmitting data to the exam center.