Rome, September 10, 2020 – The new bulletin about him Coronavirus in Italy, with updates from the Ministry of Health, indicates a new promotion of infections: after yesterday the ceiling of 1,400 positives was surpassed, today they are over 1,500. Meanwhile, the pandemic continues to travel the world: there are more than 900 thousand victims, precisely 900,052 according to the AFP calculation, based on in official data and confirmed cases are 27,711,866. Returning to our country, the Gimbe Foundation notes that Covid numbers are growing in the week between September 2 and 8. Compared to the previous one, in the week considered, there was a increase in new cases (9,964 vs 9,015) and currently positive cases (33,789 vs 26,754). Hospitalized patients with symptoms also increased (1,760 versus 1,380), intensive care patients (143 versus 107), and deaths (72 versus 46).
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Today’s Covid Newsletter
Coronavirus infections in Italy continue to rise: they are 1,597 i almost registered in the last 24 hours (yesterday they were 1,434), for a total of 283,180. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, on the other hand, a decrease in victims 10 in one day, while yesterday there were 14. The total total of deaths amounts to 35,587. The number of tampons made: 94,186, slightly less than two thousand less than yesterday. The region with the most new cases is Lombardy (245), followed by Campania (180) and from Lazio (163). Like yesterday, the Aosta Valley is always the only region with zero infections in 24 hours. Growing currently positive, 974 more (yesterday 945), for a total that amounts to 35,708. And i keep growing hospitalizations: those of the ordinary regime increase by 58 units to 1,836, while intensive therapy another 14 units go up and there are 164 in total. People in isolation at home They are 33,708,902 more than yesterday. HE healed there are 613 (yesterday 471), and there are 211,885 in total.
The table: all regions
Mobile intensive care units
These days the implementation of the health system equipment continues to face a possible growth of the epidemic: ended on September 2 and the competition for the rental of four mobile intensive care facilities, summoned by the offices of the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri. Each “mobile structure”, the tender announcement reads, will have “a total of 75 beds” and must be installed “in previously identified areas that can be conditioned” by the Regions. These structures can be moved as needed.
Iss, epidemiological phase, Rt
However, for the moment, the situation remains under control. “Although the number of cases reported daily is numerically similar to what was reported at the end of February 2020, the the epidemiological stage is completely different“, write theIss in a Faq on the calculation of the Rt index published on their website. Despite the increase in incidence, experts explain, the transmissibility of cases has not increased much. This data suggests that the great work carried out by local services has for the moment contained the spread of the virus in our territory ”. too Antonella Viola, an immunologist from the University of Padua, commenting on ‘Agorà’ in Rai 3, says that infections in Italy “are clearly on the rise. However, when this growth started in August, we were concerned because could have been a lot worse than that: there could have been an exponential growth in cases that brought us closer to the values that other countries are registering. On the other hand, it did not happen “and it is the proof that the system is sustained.
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Lazio, 163 cases and one death
“In more than 10 thousand tampons are registered today in Lazio 163 almost, of these 120 are in Rome, and one death. The value RT is at 0.52 and the ministry confirms the good follow-up capacity ”. So says the regional councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato.
Emilia Romagna: 110 more infections
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, 33,073 cases of positivity have been registered in Emilia Romagna, 110 more compared to yesterday, of which 65 asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The control and prevention activity continues: of the 110 new cases, 64 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 43 were identified in the context of known outbreaks. There are 33 new infections linked to returns from abroad, for the
that the Region has provided for two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of cases returning from other regions is 8. The average age of new positives is currently 42 years. Of the 65 new asymptomatic patients, 33 were identified through screening and tests introduced by the Region, 5 through prehospital tests, 26 through contact tracing activity, while in 1 case the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing. Regarding the situation in the area, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (23), Bologna (21), Reggio Emilia (20) and Parma (14).
Ascent in Veneto
Coronavirus infections on the rise in Veneto, with 147 new cases in 24 hours, bringing the total to 24,356. The regional bulletin informs it. However, the current infected people are decreasing (-11), falling to 2,926, while there are no victims compared to yesterday. The situation is stable in hospital wards, with 143 hospitalized patients (+1) of which 83 positive, and in intensive care, with 18 hospitalized, 12 of which positive.
Campania: 180 new positives
exist 180 new positives in Campania. Of these, 73 returned from Sardinia or abroad or are contacts of previously traced return cases. The crisis unit of the Region communicates it. The swabs processed in the last 24 hours are 7,482. From today’s newsletter there is also a case of death (450 since the beginning of the emergency) and 31 new cures (4,568 in total). The total of positives since the start of the emergency is 8,760 out of 481,767 swabs performed.
Growth also in Tuscany
In Tuscany there are 12,738 cases of positivity to the coronavirus, 92 more than yesterday (32 identified during follow-up and 60 from screening activities). New cases are 0.7% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of 92 cases today is approximately 38 years (34% are under 26, 21% between 26 and 40, 35% between 41 and 65, 10% are over 65) and, in As for the clinical states, 64% were asymptomatic, 23% pauci-symptomatic. Of the 92 positive cases today, 15 cases can be linked to returns from abroad. 3 cases can be linked to returns from other Italian regions (Sardinia).
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Puglia, three dead
am 70 new cases of Covid registered in Apulia compared to 3,916 tests carried out. Almost half (32) correspond to the province of Bari, 1 to the province of Brindisi; 5 el Murciélago, 13 Foggia, 1 Lecce, 17 Taranto, 1 outside the region. The province of Taranto, in recent days, has suffered an increase in cases, due to the RSA outbreak in Ginosa and the presence of many workers from the fruit and vegetable company Sop di Polignano. In Puglia, in the last hours, they have registered 3 dead.
Sardinia, another 63 infections
In Sardinia the latest update of the reports of the regional crisis unit 63 new cases, 49 from the detection activities and 14 from the diagnostic suspects, and includes victim number 139, the 72-year-old man who died yesterday in the Cagliari hospital. In total, 152,649 swabs were performed, an increase of 1,971 tests compared to the last update. 57 patients are hospitalized (+6 compared to yesterday’s figure), while patients (12) currently in intensive care remain unchanged.
Jump in the Marches
In the Marche region, 1641 swabs were tested in the last 24 hours: 824 in the new diagnostic route and 817 in the cured route. HE positive are 40 new diagnoses in the course: 18 in the province of Ascoli Piceno, 15 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 4 in the province of Ancona and 3 in the province of Macerata. These cases include 14 returns from abroad (China, Ukraine, Albania, Macedonia, Moldova). There are 7 symptomatic subjects.
The other regions
In Abruzzo 11 new cases, in Basilicata 6 and 8 inches Calabria. There are 68, of which 60 related to the meat supply chain, the new coronavirus infections found today in Trentino. In Piedmont one death and 74 new positives. The growth of positives in Covid-19 continues in Sicily: there are 106 new cases.
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