Referendum, the ‘principles’ of the No fear a severe blow to the electrical system


by Paolo Dagnino

And so, after the last three votes in Parliament Regarding the reduction in the number of parliamentarians (votes in which the parliamentarians themselves approved this measure practically unanimously), we are witnessing a regurgitation contrary to this sacrosanct measure, due to the request of the referendum by a handful of MPs (only 71, you are trying to get a referendum of any kind with only 71 applicants!) many of whom have even vote in favor in the classroom.

This paradox alone may be enough to qualify our political class, justifying once again the bitterness that the majority of Italian citizens have towards senators and deputies. However, what is scandalous is the powerful raising of shields in favor of “No” unleashed in recent days by the worst media device of Italian history. A media apparatus that, with few exceptions, is strongly and subtly influencing the will of Italians through their radios, newspapers and televisions, babbling about “representativeness” and babbling about “anti-politics” in favor of “No”.

And this entrenchment is understandable if we take into account that whoever has information in this country is in the first place an exponent of the worst entrepreneur class never seen in Italy and that it is from that power that has dictated the national political agenda in the last 30 years, becoming fully jointly responsible for the conditions in which the country finds itself as well as the political class, attending exclusively to the interests, privileges and the advantages of one and the other, to the point that they are almost no longer distinguished from one another.

Here are the instigators of “No”. It is they who after the arrival of M5S They have seen the number of their representatives decrease in Parliament (always wisely distributed in almost all other political fields) where they have always decided their Benefits and their fortunes, almost always to the detriment of Italian citizens, far from thinking about the common good.

The election of a considerable number of M5S deputies in the political consultations in 2013 (163 M5S deputies) and an even more constant number in 2018 (338 M5S deputies) were two very hard blows that undermined a system of power established itself over the decades through the clientele and lobbies that raged in Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama for decades.

That is why the lorsignori are opposed to a very reasonable and sacrosanct one. reduction of parliamentarians Italians. They are against it because they identify in this measure a new diminution of power that they have always exercised to their exclusive advantage. This is what the system fears. Apart from a danger to democracy. Lorsignori are the instigators of “No”.

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