“But what blame me?”, Responds the teacher – Libero Quotidiano


A radical change in the coronavirus? No way. Alberto Zangrillo reiterates that Covid is less lethal than it was at the beginning and does not want to hear reasons about it, not even from Corriere della Sera. The newspaper run by Luciano Fontana in fact, he spoke of the intervention of the head of the host ICU a Cartabianca in Rai 3 proposing the following quotes: “The brain-dead virus, an expression in which I made mea culpa, probably out of tune in modus but in the sense I repeat it. I don’t think this has induced vacationers to do everything and more. “

Italians must know the truth.  Scossone-Zangrillo on UCI Data: What the Government Doesn't Say

This is a statement that Zangrillo once again wants to clarify: “Dear Messenger Service, May 31 You may have misunderstood the tone of the communication, but I haven’t done any mea culpa on the content ”, he screamed, reiterating for the umpteenth time that the pandemic, in his opinion, has different effects in Italy than in the first days. And the numbers in intensive care are there to support Zangrillo’s thesis.
