A terrible scene “Among the most cruel ever seen”: these words were used by Marshal Carabinieri Antonio Carella, the man who on Saturday night was one of the first to help Willy Monteiro Duarte, now dying on the ground after the beating that cost him his life. Antonio, 53, hears the screams coming from the street around 3.30 and rushes to the place, where another boy had already tried to help Willy but without success. To the Corriere della Sera the carabiniere speaks of a “desperate scene, one of the bloodiest of many years of service.”
Read also> Willy Monteiro Duarte, the witness: «They jumped on his body». Before the raid, sex in the cemetery
From the story of the boys who were around Willy, he understands the dynamics of what happened: a truck arriving at the scene, the violent beating, the escape. A young man sends Carella a photo taken from the car from which the Bianchi brothers had gotten off, and the soldier immediately sends it to his commander: thus begins the rapid journey towards the alleged murderers, which ends in a short time also thanks to that Photo. . The Audi is registered in the name of the passenger of the third brother Bianchi, who will be arrested a few hours later.
“I stayed with Willy for as long as it took until they took him away. I felt sorry for him as if he were a son, “he says. Messenger Service recounting those moments when paramedics tried to revive him. Shortly after, Carella and his colleagues go to the Bianchi bar in Artena: there are three of them, they are five young, daring and aggressive. So, says the carabiniere, in order not to alarm them they use a strategy: “I decide to tell them that we are there to check the car, a lateral way of dealing with them avoiding scaring them too much and avoiding a possible reaction.” Only then does he inform them that Willy is dead and that they must follow them to the barracks.
Last Updated: Thursday, September 10, 2020 11:56 AM