Survey: will you get the Covid vaccine?


Survey: will you get the Covid vaccine? This is the question that wants to ask its readers, in light of the latest news from Oxford where AstraZeneca, due to a “serious adverse reactionIt has temporarily suspended its testing for what many called the most advanced research of all in this career involving dozens of companies from around the world.

Survey: will you get the Covid vaccine?

Survey: will you get the Covid vaccine?

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Since the pandemic shows no signs of loosening its grip, in Italy the situation at the moment seems to be under control but we are watching very carefully what will happen after the reopening of the schools, the issue of vaccines remains central.

At the moment there is no certainty about the opportune moment, since although both Europe and the United States are willing to simplify the approval process, it is unlikely that the first doses will be distributed to the population. before 2021.

In Italy in recent weeks there has been a lot of talk about rendering the vaccine is mandatory or not anti-Covid: Despite pressure from a part of the majority, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wants to take the path of freedom of choice.

With this poll, which we remember has no scientific value but only indicative since it is not made by sample, wants to know how many of its readers are ready to be vaccinated against Covid when it is possible to do so.

A survey on the Covid vaccine

Since the health emergency related to the global spread of coronavirus, all scientists immediately agreed that the crisis will only be overcome when vaccine.

Since then, dozens of companies, supported by millions of dollars from the different world powers, have started their investigation with various tests that at this time would already be in Advanced stage.

As for Italy, many of the hopes were pinned on the brand-name vaccine. Oxford-PomeziaBut now AstraZeneca, which will have to handle the diffusion, has announced a halt to evaluate some reactions to the serum.

Then there is the vaccine made by the Spallanzani, which has recently started the experimentation phase in humans, while in the U.S Moderna is expected to finish phase three of its tests soon.

Regardless of when and how it will be managed, many have pointed out that it is very likely that the Covid vaccine will be distributed to the population while it is still the experimentation phase will not be over.

However, scientists say that this rush will not lead to superficiality in safety assessments, with Europe and the United States ready to speed up the approval process.

The purpose of this poll It is understanding, when a vaccine will be available in Italy, how many are ready to be vaccinated considering that unless the government has reconsidered there should be no obligation.
