A violent storm accompanied by strong gusts of wind has hit Cagliari and its interior in these hours.
Anticipated by the red alert issued yesterday by Civil Protection, bad weather hit the central-western area of Sardinia, reaching the Campidano of Cagliari.
Meteorological experts had announced particularly heavy rain, at least 50 millimeters in a few hours.
The municipal police and the fire brigade are already in place to control the areas of greatest risk.
Currently there are floods in the streets and in the lower floors of the houses. In the afternoon the bad weather will move to Sulcis.
As a precautionary measure, all parks and cemeteries in Cagliari have been temporarily closed. The provision, according to the Municipality, was necessary due to the bad weather that is affecting the city at this time and that led the regional Civil Protection to issue an Orange Alert for hydrogeological risk until midnight today and a warning of conditions. bad weather until 12 noon tomorrow.
(Unioneonline / vl)