Silvio Berlusconi from the hospital to the FI deputies: “The worst experience of my life”


Another surprise phone call, this time to the deputies of Forza Italia. Silvio Berlusconi connected with the meeting of the Fi group in the Chamber to talk about his experience as a Covid patient and reassure everyone about his current state of health: “It is the worst experience of my life,” he said from the hospital bed. San Raffaele in Milan, where is hospitalized for almost a week.

Berlusconi, 84 at the end of September, he has been in the hospital for five days diagnosed with bilateral Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus pneumonia. Lo last Wednesday he tested positive for hyssop, along with his sons Luigi, 31 years, and Barbara, 36 years old. The eldest daughter, Marina, 54, also contracted the virus.

Today there was a new telephone connection from the leader of Forza Italia during the meeting of the parliamentary group Forza Italia in the Chamber: “It is a terrible virus – he said speaking of the coronavirus – that I do not wish anyone, be careful with everything and put on masks.” The former prime minister, speaking then of his current conditions, added: “Today is a moment of special well-being.” Even yesterday from the bed of the Berlusconi hospital he was the protagonist of two telephone connections, both surprisingly. First with the Italian senators and then during a Forza Italia rally in the Aosta Valley in which he said: “I’m struggling to get out of this hellish disease, it’s very bad. My tampon has a record viral load, confirming that I am still number one. “

Today the Forza Italia deputies meeting opened with a standing ovation for the president. “We want to express a choral and affectionate hug to President Berlusconi who – said Mariastella Gelmini in her opening speech – faces the battle against Covid with the usual determination and extraordinary courage. We know that the president has already defeated many enemies and that will also knock out this cunning opponent. The news that Professor Zangrillo and the San Raffaele team are giving us are comforting ”.
