The carabinieri saved him from certain death. When they arrived at the Marina Piccola parking lots in Cagliari this morning before dawn, the man was locked in his car full of gasoline.
The soldiers of the company’s mobile radio core wasted no time. They managed, with difficulty, to force the door of the car and remove a 38-year-old man, now unconscious, out of the cabin. Subsequently, they closed the two gas cylinders in the Fiat 500X, just before the arrival of the firefighters and 118 medical personnel who treated the man, accompanying him urgently to the Santísima Trinidad hospital.
It was the ex-partner who called 112 denouncing the prolonged absence of the man who had already tried to kill himself in the past. She had expressed strange intentions.
The last position reported by the car’s satellite was along the Poetto and the carabinieri managed to find it in time, saving the life of the 38-year-old man.