
Rome, September 9, 2020 – Lasted four hours the autopsy of the body of Willi Monteiro Duarte, died in the night between last Saturday and Sunday in Colleferro. The violent beating, for which the Gip de Velletri has validated the arrests, left a clear image on the body of the 21-year-old: from the autopsy examination a major polytrauma, with multiple injuries to multiple organs in different parts of the body and not only in the area of Chest andabdomen, which induced cardiac arrest. Injuries are due to bumps and falls and now it will be necessary to establish which to one and which to the other.
“At the moment we have acquired all the necessary data to be able to release the body and return it to the parents – explains Saverio Potenza, the forensic designated technical consultant by the prosecutor who carried out the examination at the Tor Vergata polyclinic in Rome – We made all the necessary essential inquiries Now we must put together all the elements acquired and a medical-legal reasoning also with the support of the various labor examinations that I have yet to start. We will have to make a general picture and reconstruct the dynamics of the event from the detail. ” Now it will take 60 days to file the consultation, the authorization to carry out the laboratory tests that will be carried out in the coming weeks, the histological and toxicological tests that will be arranged, the latter later if the magistrate deems it necessary.
The homage of Rome and Frosinone
The number 10 t-shirts of Frosinone me Rome with Willy’s name and the autographs of the players of both teams were displayed by their respective captains before the friendly that is being played in ‘Benito Stirpè. It is the tribute of the two Lazio teams to Willy Monteiro Duarte. Meanwhile, it will take place today. scale in memory of Willy. The appointment is at 9 pm in piazza XVII Martiri, in the town hall.
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