Barletta: today 99 cases of coronavirus in Puglia: 11 in the bat


The president of the Puglia Region, based on information from the director of the Health Promotion Department, Vito Montanaro, informs that today Wednesday, September 9, 2020 in Puglia, 3,611 proof for Covid-19 coronavirus infection and have been registered 99 positive cases:

  • 64 in the province of Bari,
  • 11 in BAT province,
  • 4 in the province of Brindisi,
  • 11 in the province of Foggia,
  • 5 in the province of Lecce,
  • 3 in the province of Taranto,
  • 1 out of the region.

No deaths were recorded.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 335,530 tests have been carried out.

4,158 are recovered patients.
1,414 are currently positive cases.

The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 6,139, divided as follows:

  • 2,273 in the province of Bari;
  • 498 in the province of Bat;
  • 726 in the province of Brindisi;
  • 1,463 in the province of Foggia;
  • 709 in the province of Lecce;
  • 418 in the province of Taranto;
  • 51 attributed to residents outside the region;
  • 1 province of unknown residence (2 cases were eliminated from the database).

The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.
The epidemiological bulletin of the Puglia region 9.9.2020 is available at the link:



Declaration of the Dg Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “The epidemiological bulletin today registers 64 cases of positivity to Sars Cov 2 – in the province of Bari – declares the general director of the ASL Bari Antonio Sanguedolce – of which 27 refer to the activity surveillance of the Prevention Department still ongoing in a company in Polignano a Mare. So far, 273 swabs have been made to the company’s employees, affected by the outbreak, from which the positivity of 105 subjects emerged. In support of the activities of the Department – continues Sanguedolce – a Civil Protection tent was installed in Polignano to perform swabs to those who have had suspicious contacts, who had access to the company as of September 1 and those who have flu symptoms. the dg – by reservation only through the ASL web platform Most of the other cases found today – including Sanguedolce – are close contacts of positives already identified and under surveillance, and there are still positive results of returns to the region ”.

Statement from Dg Asl Bt, Alessandro Delle Donne: “There are 11 positive cases registered today in the province of Bat. Of these 3 are close contacts of positive cases in recent days, 4 are symptomatic and the others are being investigated by the department of prevention “.

Statement by Dg Asl Br, Giuseppe Pasqualone: ​​”There are four positive cases in the province of Brindisi. The first two are Albanian citizens who have returned to Puglia in recent days, the third is an Afghan citizen seeking asylum, hospitalized in the department of Infectious Diseases of Perrino. The fourth is a return from Spain: all the members of his family have already been subjected to a swab and tested negative “.

Declaration of the Dg de la Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla: “The new positivity registered today in the province of Foggia is 11. They are: 8 contacts of already known cases; 2 foreign citizens present in the provincial territory; 1 symptomatic person identified thanks to a report of the GP. All have already been taken over by the ASL, which, through the Hygiene service, is conducting the necessary epidemiological investigations. “

Statement by Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “There are 5 cases registered today by Asl Lecce: 3 are part of the same family unit and epidemiological investigations are being carried out on them, one is a close contact of a known case and was already in the of isolation, one is a resident who has returned from Greece. “

Statement from Dg Asl Ta, Stefano Rossi: “The Covid cases in Taranto must be attributed to close contacts of positive cases registered in recent days.
They are asymptomatic patients constantly followed by the prevention department through technicians and doctors. There are 30 patients admitted to the Moscati infectious ward. At the moment there is no admission to intensive care “.
