Single-seater school desks are still a mirage. The rectors’ alarm: «Difficult to reopen on September 14. We don’t even have a delivery schedule “


Who receives them directly from the army, who makes them himself dividing the old ones in two. One of the topics that touched hearts the most in the months before returning to school after the Coronavirus emergency was that of single-seat desks. Useful for ensuring distance in the classroom and essential for allowing students to lower the mask during lessons.

Now that there are just a few days until the reopening of primary, middle and secondary schools – with the exception of some provinces that have already anticipated their return – the doubts still seem many. “The question of accountants is critical,” says Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Directors Association. “The delivery is very late. Two other important critical issues are those of classrooms, because local authorities have not found them everywhere, and full staffing. If these difficulties are not resolved immediately, it is objectively difficult to think that the September 14 deadline will be respected everywhere: therefore, it is advisable to assess the possibility of reasonable local differentiations.

“Although I had huge classrooms at my disposal – and we know that this is not the case – with the two-seater desks, I cannot guarantee the separation of one meter between the students.” At the moment there is still no delivery schedule, although the NPC has requested it on several occasions. “What we know is that the first 800,000 copies will be delivered on September 14,” says the president.

The illusion of having everything ready at the start had been shattered almost in the bud. In mid-July the company tenders were published and by August the first winners had made things clear: with these deadlines we will never succeed.

A month later, the curator Domenico Arcuri had announced that the distribution would take place in 3 section, up to the complete supply – a total of 2.4 million banks, of which 435 thousand with wheels – at the end of October. The delivery priority was extensively discussed among the unions, the regions, the local authorities, the Ministry and Arcuri himself. In the end, the first copies were delivered on August 28 in the symbolic places of Codogno, Alzano and Nembro.

What (little) information we have so far

So far there is no budget for deliveries: the commissioner and the Ministry of Education should make a point this week to understand how many copies have already been placed. Meanwhile, on the Arcuri side, deliveries continue on a daily basis. The priority is marked by the 3 usual criteria: status of the epidemic in the area, conditions of the structure and date of reopening.

“They are criteria that conflict with each other,” answers Giannelli. “If we deliver the posts first to the most affected regions, we must start from the north, if instead we deliver them first to those with the most deteriorated structures, such as Campania, Lazio and Sicily, then we must start from the center-south.” Apparently, according to sources from the commissioner, the first criterion will weigh over the others: Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia Romagna will, in principle, have priority.

However, they don’t seem to know much about the regions. From Lombardy, for example, they explain that they have no delivery pulse or calendar – not even indicative – of supplies. “He manages the entire commissioner together with the Miur through the regional office of the school,” they explain. “It’s called regional but we’re not really involved at all.”

The only information that reaches them, they explain, comes from complaints from the institutes, which ask the board about delays (including the dpi). “We know of some desks delivered in two institutes in Bergamo and Brescia, but we do not know anything else. And we know that it seems that they have forgotten that sanitizing gel and masks are delivered to professional institutes.

However, some local indications came from Invitalia: on September 4, in a press release, it was clarified that the supply of 5,223 banks and 790 “innovative sessions” in the province of Bolzano would be completed on Monday, September 7, date start of schools. Almost 1,500 have been delivered to Casal di Principe (CE), and the following deliveries are expected in the coming weeks:

  • 50 counters at CPIA Caserta (Casal di Principe headquarters)
  • 200 banks at the Instituto Integral Don Diana (via Cavour, 20)
  • 200 banks at the Istituto Comprensivo Don Diana plexus Dante (via Omero, 1)
  • 300 banks at the Istituto Comprensivo Spirito Santo DD1 (via Bach 14)
  • 440 banks at the Istituto Comprensivo Spirito Santo DD1 (via Parroco Gagliardi, 23)

Requests from the different Regions

But with Coronavirus or not, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself acknowledged – from Lebanon, where he was visiting yesterday, September 8 – that it is a real replacement in furniture. Some regions, he says, have requested a renewal of up to 70%. 69%, specifically, and refers to Sicily, a region that holds the record for the number of schools requested in relation to the number of students (according to data provided by Arcuri during the August 18 meeting dedicated to the subject).

Campania also asked for a high percentage of replacement: 61%, against 16% in Emilia Romagna, 12% in Trentino, 8% in Valle D’Aosta. Veneto, who immediately opposed the always mask hypothesis (even during the lesson), asked for only 15%. In total, however, 19% of the single-seater desks of the total student population were requested (total students are about 8 million).

The connection between the quality of the available structures and the orders is undeniable. “Lazio, Campania and Sicily, where there is a problem of crumbling furniture, did well to ask for a replacement,” says Giannelli. And Conte and Azzolina coincide at the same point: it is an opportunity that must be seized to intervene in the different territories.

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