Assassination of Colleferro: sociology is enough per kilo (also on the right)


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Rome, September 9 – The left and most of the mainstream media hovering there have already decided: it was the fascists who killed Willy Monteiro Duarte. Never mind the fact that the investigators immediately ruled out the racial motive and the four suspects are unaware of political sympathies: Colleferro’s murder is the consequence of a fascist subculture and toxic masculinity that emerges from those photos with the tough poses. Anything that can be attributed to violence and bullying becomes “fascist”, it applies to both MMA and so-called style attitudes. Gomorrah. What is striking in the journalistic account of the death of poor Willy is not only the media overexposure, evidently motivated by the boy’s Cape Verdean origins and by the Italian character (and forced aesthetics) of the alleged murderers, but also the strong Willingness to create a narrative based on a series of socio-anthropological conjectures.

Why is Colleferro more important than Bastia Umbra?

And so here are the dozens of interviews with friends, family, acquaintances, passersby, the meticulous study of photos and clothes, the fantasies about the “Artena gang”, the description of MMA as a kind of fight to the end . blood among beasts by journalists from Mars. All this, more or less voluntarily, it occurs solely and exclusively due to the narrative nature of victim and executioner: a child of foreign origin on the one hand, Italian “fasces-tronistas” on the other. Do you want proof? here she is. Twenty days ago outside a disco Bastia Umbra, a 25-year-old Italian, was killed in a fight by three boys (one of which is of Albanian origin). Did you know Have you by chance seen the photos of the alleged killers? Did you practice martial arts? Do you happen to know which team poor Filippo Limini cheered for? Do you know what dreams he had? No, you don’t know / know anything about all this, we don’t have Federica Angeli running to Bastia to tell us the details, Floris doesn’t open the show, as she did last night, asking Alessandro Gassman “which Italy emerges from Bastia’s murder?” In La7 we only talk about Colleferro. Bastia Umbra does not go into a trending topic on Twitter, Prime Minister Conte does not post on Facebook dedicated to Filippo as he did with Willy.

Varani assassination: was there no “cultural soup” there?

And we could go on and on with examples. Because in Colleferro the violence is born in the fascist “cultural soup”, because Massimo Giannini of the situation asks to close the MMA gyms, while for the murder of Luca Varani, lured and then stabbed and murdered by Manuel Foffo and Marco Prato, no one spoke of the “cultural soup” of the homosexual environment nor did he ask for the closure of gay clubs? Not to mention the brutal killings at the hands of immigrants, let’s think only of the most striking cases such as the Ghanaian Kabobo who killed three random passers-by with a pickaxe, or the Tunisian who massacred David Raggi (name that has remained in the forgetfulness) or Nigerians who tore Pamela Mastropietro to pieces. In all the cases there was not even remotely the same socio-anthropological speculations or the same investigative enthusiasm, in fact: investigating the role of the Nigerian mafia in relation to the Macerata events almost meant passing for racists. Do you want to be part of the “Artena band” …

Immigrants are better protected than those forced by Artena

The dynamics are clear: the left and the mainstream media invent or force reality if there is a need to support the thesis of racist violence, they deny it if the facts undermine their narrative. And so the four forced by Artena are analyzed under a microscope, in search of a particular tattoo, a similar convict, or a simple attitude that could pass them off as fascists. And if nothing is found, it doesn’t matter they are honorary neo-fascists anyway. The dynamics of the events are exasperated: a fight that ends badly turns into a beastly act. Besides the importance of the fact itself: nothing is needed to win the first page and prime time. If the executioner is an immigrant, the opposite occurs: a premeditated and atrocious murder can count less than an involuntary and chaotic act, Alas, then, to venture into socio-anthropological speculations, trying to correlate a certain culture or subculture with the acts performed is equivalent to being caught the immediate accusation of racism. That is, you can say that you lead because maybe you look GomorrahBut it is not that he chooses passersby at random because perhaps in Africa life is worth less. Numbers don’t count for anything either: immigrants in proportion they are six times more criminals than Italians and in prisons a third of the population is foreigners? You can’t say it, or at least you can’t connect it to a single story. You can ask MMA gyms to close, despite not having data available on the correlation between fighters and crime, while If you ask for the closure of the reception centers delivered by hand, you are a vulgar populist.

The cultural backwardness of the right

This is how the media system works at the moment of single thought. The problem is that even in these parts we do the same. We do not ask ourselves why a certain fact has a certain relevance and other similar ones do not, The imaginative reconstructions of Federica Angeli on duty are accepted, and there is a priori lashing out at the already monstrous “executioners” by the mainstream. It is a lost logic, because the categories are created by the others, they are the ones who access a subculture of “law” the four prisoners of Artena, and so on. In these parts everything is a competition to see who is more dissociated. “Throw away the key”, “give them the racial aggravation even if it has nothing to do while they pay more”, “ugly bullies if I was there I swelled you up”, a whole social circus where, among other things, you feel you have to defend the ethics of combat sports. And it’s not that this is wrong in itself, it’s just not necessary. Because without realizing it, it legitimizes and acts according to the agenda set by the enemy.

Davide di stefano
