Coronavirus: 14 deaths and increasing infections. WHO: the quarantine is 14 days – Health


The balance of the last hours on the Coronavirus front is 14 dead and 1,434 newly infected, according to data released by the Ministry of Health. The numbers have increased compared to yesterday, when there were 10 victims and 1,370 more positives. The swabs increase slightly: almost 96 thousand against 92 thousand. New increase in patients with Covid in intensive care: That’s 150, 7 more in the last 24 hours. The number of hospitalized patients with symptoms is also growing (1,778, +18), that of people in home isolation (32,806, almost a thousand more) and of those currently positive (34,734, also in this case almost a thousand more). In Lombardy (+218) and Campania (+203) the highest increase in positives from today. Only the Aosta Valley did not register new infections. These are the data from the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, the WHO “continues the discussions” on the shortening of the quarantine for the contacts of those who test positive for Covid-19, but “defends the recommendation of a 14-day quarantine to prevent transmission of the virus.” This was stated to Ansa by the European WHO office, commenting on the hypothesis raised in France to reduce the deadline to seven days. “This recommendation – adds the Organization – is based on the data available on the incubation period; in essence, the average period is 4-5 days, with an upper limit of 14 days”. “Some countries – continues WHO Europe – are evaluating a reduction of the quarantine period combined with a trial activity, taking into account both scientific evidence and social factors. The French example can be seen as that of a country adapting its response to the virus to public acceptance of measures to increase membership. We are following these discussions, but we defend our recommendation of a 14-day quarantine to prevent further transmission. “

After the confirmation of the WHO, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, “there is an open debate and now the prevailing opinion is that it is necessary to deepen because we can hypothesize a reduction but we will do the evaluation with the CTS also with the other EU countries. There are several solutions, we are inspired by the principle of prudence“.