Conte: “We don’t want any more chicken coop classes. We will hire more than 160 thousand teachers and Ata. Azzolina:” School starts again ” [DIRETTA]


At Palazzo Chigi, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte gives a press conference on the start of the school year. Ministers Azzolina, Speranza and De Micheli spoke.


The words of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte

“It will take a collective effort to restart well, we must be aware that there will be some difficulty. We are aware that there will be new infections, we have developed a manual to address these difficulties. The safe return of girls and boys to class are, have been and will be the priority objectives of this government. We have reconciled safety and efficiency. There will be a staggered schedule to avoid gatherings, this will be decided by school leaders, schools already have sufficient quantities of gels and masks to face the first days. We have arranged the free delivery of 11 million surgical masks to students and staff. Italian families should not hesitate: we have done everything possible to give the best to the children and to start school again. We have worked hard to reopen the schools: this year it will take place in a new and difficult context that will challenge the entire Italian system. But thanks to our work, the school year will start regularly ”.

“We have planned that families will measure their children’s temperature to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 37.5 and that there are no symptoms related to Covid. If there are symptoms, the family should notify the school and doctor. If the student presents symptoms at school, the parents will be alerted who will then have to contact the doctor and together with the ASL they will evaluate whether to take the swab and in case of a positive result the doctors will decide for the quarantine of the classmates and school personnel who came into contact. with the positive guy. In the worst case, you can take one
Quarantine of the whole class: there may be difficulties but I invite you to respect the rules and face this school year with confidence ”.

“For the school it can be a new beginning. Let’s not be content with returning to normality, let’s take advantage of this crisis to strengthen the school, our training processes. We are doing what has never been done in so many years, such as the plan to hire teaching staff that will put 160,000 new teachers in office or the 2,000 million for school buildings ”.

“Do you think we will meet on September 15 to do a reorganization? The answer is no. Extra leave and smart work will be provided to parents with quarantined children. “

The words of the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina

“We are sure that it was good to close the schools and that it is necessary and correct to reopen them now. We have a moral imperative to give back to families and students a piece of normalcy, hope and future. The school has been restarted thanks to a choral effort, we know that a particular year awaits us. The twenty-month delay was made up for in two months. Right to order in May and right to reopen today. He worked a lot on spacing. Create almost 10,000 more classrooms. The school is a defense of democracy and legality and we have yet to prove it ”.

“At school there are rules, health measures, but also prepared adults. School is the least risky place. The only way is to ensure a great alliance with the families. We should all be responsible, even outside of school. The school needs to be protected as much as possible ”.

“One in three schools has had at least one intervention, more than 5177 more classrooms have been obtained, 4812 which have been expanded for a total of almost 10,000 classrooms. We have financed the rental of outdoor spaces to schools, finding an alternative solution to classrooms that is still suitable for teaching more than 200,000 students. We have invested in furniture, compensating for a delay of 20 years in 2 months ”.

“If in June the students who were essentially left without a classroom due to the distance from the subway were 1 million, today there are 50 thousand. This does not mean that they do not go to school. They will also go without the distance meter but with the mask for this start of the school year. In any case, these are situations that we are solving, thanks to another 100 million euros to rent another premises and thanks to agreements with theaters, parishes or similar schools ”.

The words of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.

“We want to try to rebuild the relationship between school and health: when there are positive cases we will never leave our school staff alone: ​​the competent health company will make an assessment of the case, with smart use of tampons and quarantine if necessary. Now rebuild an organic relationship between school and health. If there is a positive case, we will not leave the teachers and principals alone ”.

“When there is a positive case in the school, and it is quite evident that there will be and will already be in these hours, we will never leave our teachers, principals and school personnel alone. It will be the competent health company, in particular the ASL prevention department, to carry out case assessments and contact tracing, deepen and coordinate measures with an intelligent use of tampons. And where quarantine should also serve. In 190 countries, schools have been suspended and one billion and 600 million students around the world have had to interrupt their classes ”.

“This has been an extraordinary global problem and we have decided to establish a permanent platform where we will constantly update our knowledge. Even our scientific documents that have been approved, I repeat, by the Regions and provinces, will be available and discussed on this international platform ”.

The words of the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli.

“There will be an obligation in all means of transport, as previously planned, the mask, but
we define the obligation of the surgical mask whereas in the past a cloth protection could also be sufficient ”.
