
“Partial interests arise in the vaccine”. So French Pope at the general audience held on the morning of Wednesday, September 9, at the Cortile di San Damaso of the Vatican Apostolic Palace. “The crisis we are experiencing due to the pandemic affects us all,” said the Holy Father, “we can do better if we all seek the common good together. Unfortunately, “he added,” we are witnessing the emergence of partisan interests. For example. , There is who would like to appropriate possible solutions, as in the case of vaccines and then sell them to others. Some take advantage of the situation to foster divisions: seek economic or political advantage, generate or growing conflicts. Others just don’t care about the suffering of others, they go to the other side and go their own way. “

According to the Pope, in particular “Health, in addition to the individual, is also a public good. A healthy society is one that takes care of everyone’s health. A virus that knows no barriers, borders or cultural and political distinctions must face a love without barriers, borders or distinctions “and Christians must contribute to this, bearers of a love that” can generate social structures that encourage us to share more than to compete, that allow us to include the most vulnerable and not discard them, and that help us to express the best of our human nature and not the worst. True love does not know the culture of discarding ”.
At a certain point, then, he addressed the faithful: “Do not crowd, let’s avoid contagion“, he said inviting them, in the courtyard of San Dámaso of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, to keep a safe distance.” Everyone has their own chair, “said the pontiff with a smile to those who had positioned themselves near the barriers.
A warning from the Pope already expressed three weeks when he asked that the vaccine not “become property of some nation and not all. And what a scandal it would be if all the economic aid that we are seeing, most of it with public money, were concentrated in rescuing industries that are not interested in the least.