robbing cigarettes in a bar in the middle of the night


Thieves in action in the middle of the night between Tuesday and Wednesday at the “Snoopy Bar” in Forlimpopoli, in via Ho Chi Min, 34. According to what was reconstructed by the Carabinieri of Artusian station, the criminals -at least two- struck around 3 am. First he concealed the surveillance camera with a sweatshirt, then the front door was forced into the store.

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In the viewer of cigarette boxes, loaded into two separate waste collection containers. Many others have left them scattered on the ground. Probably disturbed by someone, they preferred to hide, settling for what they had already grasped. Arma’s men proceeded to investigate the law, looking for useful elements for the purposes of the investigation. The loot is being quantified. (photo Facebook page Bar Snoopy)
