The temporary cessation of tests of the coronavirus treatment developed by the Irbm of Pomezia and the University of Oxford is due to a case of possible adverse reaction. Piero di Lorenzo, managing director of the research institute, explains that it will now be analyzed by an independent committee of experts
AstraZeneca announced on Wednesday, September 9, that it temporarily suspended all clinical trials on the coronavirus vaccine that it is developing together with the University of Oxford. The preventive stop is due to a possible adverse reaction reported in one of the participants. But what does it mean that the trial is suspended? And what will happen now with the vaccine? Piero di Lorenzo, managing director of the Irbm of Pomezia who is collaborating in its development, explains that the decision is the result of the necessary rigor that prevails in the tests and that the recovery times are linked to a committee of experts that will analyze the case.

Villani: “When we have a vaccine it will be 100% safe”
Coronavirus Vaccine Stopped at AstraZeneca-Oxford Trials: The Stages
The AstraZeneca communication states that “an adverse clinical picture occurred in only one of the 50,000 volunteers” in whom the coronavirus vaccine was tested. This led to the temporary suspension of the trial. Alberto Villani, president of the Italian Pediatric Society (Sip), looks at the “glass half full.” For him, the blocking of tests on the vaccine against Covid-19 in Oxford confirms that “in Italy things are done well”. “When you have a vaccine – she comments to Agorà, in Rai 3- it will be a safe vaccine because it has passed all the tests that must be passed.” “In the world – specifies Villani, who directs the Hospital’s Pediatric and Infectious Diseases Unit. Infant Jesus of Rome: there are dozens and dozens of experiments under way and it must be countered that some do not work.
The Future of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine Candidate
“We are waiting for the case submitted to the independent committee of experts to be analyzed,” Piero di Lorenzo said in a note. “We await his trial for the continuation of more tests.” “The tests of vaccines, even those against Covid, despite the pandemic emergency, are severe, rigorous and reliable,” continues di Lorenzo, citing as proof the momentary stop that is voluntary. Alberto Villani de Sip is confident in the future of treatment. “Generally, he stresses, ten vaccines against a specific virus are studied together. In this case there are about a hundred, this means that the chances of having a safe and usable vaccine are statistically much higher than normal vaccines, which generally take years to complete the experimentation. “