The objectives
In reality, the procedure to be followed was established in the document based on a forecast of three epidemic risk scenarios that could be carried out. «The Regions and Autonomous Provinces must ensure the detailed planning of the interventions for the implementation of the operational strategy that will be communicated to the central directives by a National Coordination. The general objectives of the Plan are: locally contain any outbreaks generated by imported infections from areas with sustained transmission; metermitigate the impact of the pandemic on the population and on sanitary and socio-sanitary services. “For this they arranged four objectives: quickly identify and confirm Covid-19 cases; monitor the evolution of confirmed cases over time and evaluate the impact of the measures adopted; prevent, contain and / or mitigate the spread of infection; guarantee adequate assistance ”.
The asymptomatic
In February, they reasoned about what might happen. For this reason it is specified in the Plan that “the model is initialized assuming that after a certain day, in which the first case is imported to Italy, 10 new cases are imported every next day. This is to take into account, albeit with great uncertainty, the fact thatand several cases can be expected in the event of a pandemic imported continuously over time. “That is why the procedure to be followed was underlined:” The model will be updated as our knowledge about Covid-19 will increase, for example, integrating information by age group on susceptibility to infection, severity of the disease, probability of admission to intensive care; will also be integrated information on the number of cases imported over time, and on potential patterns of spatial diffusion. ‘ And for this reason it was emphasized that “a lot of uncertainty in the estimates derives from the uncertainty about the probability of developing symptoms after infection. This probability is estimated at 9.2%, 95%. However, this is a very uncertain estimate. It is emphasized that accurate estimates can only be obtained by serological studies that are not currently available in the literature. “
The leader of the League Matteo salvini he comes back to ask “that there are no state secrets about those dramatic weeks. We want to understand, without wanting to prosecute anyone, if the doctors asked for the closure of the red zones in Lombardy and the government did not do it and why, if the government had the elements to act first and save lives ”. The undersecretary of health reacts Sandra Zampa: “There is no government plan, it is a study based on Chinese data with projections on Italy. It also contained wrong predictions: for example it arrived randomly 1000 in a long time, in fact the time was very short ».
September 9, 2020 (change September 9, 2020 | 07:09)