«The protocol is national but Regions and schools can apply it independently. We knew that not everyone would have behaved in the same way locally. ‘ You are not surprised by the different interpretations of the guidelines on managing Covid, Paolo D’Ancona, epidemiologist at the Higher Institute of Health. And she clarifies: “The differences between the institutes exist as there are between the ASL prevention departments to which each structure refers for case management.”
Is the quarantine automatic?
“The quarantine measure cannot be the same automatically applied for all students and teachers and must go through the ASL assessment. Verification in the field is essential because several factors come into play. If the plexus is multi-tiered, it prevents students from mingling and thus limits the possibility of close contact. If there is a provision in a plan, the risk of contagion could be higher.
Non-autonomous school leaders?
“The school has total independence in the organization of spaces and in the distribution of activities, but the local health authority must decide on the handling of suspected and positive cases. Our document identifies the presence of a school reference who acts as a spokesperson and liaison. But health options are the responsibility of the health system. Let’s think about the tests. If a suspicious child is reported to the class, the evaluation may be limited to just the class or the entire school. As you can see, the initiatives to be taken cannot be summarized in a single protocol ».
Is the school in danger of being out of service?
“No, certain decisions can also be made based on educational needs. If a case involves multiple teachers and their quarantine hampers teaching programs, leaving lessons unattended, it might be reasonable to opt for distance education. Obviously this solution should be shared. The true quarantine, which is home isolation, is healthcare. It is different to send students home for school related problems, however, after having followed distance learning, they can leave without becoming interns.
The first reopens have already shown how the guidelines have been interpreted with discretion.
“It does not seem to me that at this moment measures contrary to the national line have been adopted.”
The most appropriate diagnostic tests?
“They are bought by the Regions, so it is always the ASL that uses the ones it has and has chosen. Rapid antigenic swabs have the great advantage of giving answers in a short time, maximum thirty minutes, and of not requiring complex equipment. However, they are invasive tests, with sampling from the nose or pharynx, and only healthcare professionals can administer them.
Why not use them on a large scale?
“The tests now on the market have suboptimal sensitivity and sensitivity means the ability to correctly identify true positives. Of the 100 identifiable positives of the classic swab, the rapid one would find around 85. Some infected could escape as a false negative.
What happens if a child is sent home?
«Before prescribing family quarantine, it is necessary to wait for the result of the swab that must arrive in an acceptable time. It is one of the critical points: there is a fear of queues due to the high number of test requests. Rapids would be a good alternative but the kits are still not entirely reliable.
September 8, 2020 (change September 8, 2020 | 23:45)