Account at the Festa dell’Unità: in the Month, if necessary I will propose a solution to the Chambers – La Stampa


Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte speaks today from the stage of the Unity party in Modena. In a resounding speech, in which the Month and Recovery are discussed, he assures: «If there is a need» for the Month, “we will evaluate it together and propose a solution to Parliament. In the parliamentary debate, we will examine the regulations linked to the ESM with the utmost transparency. I know Zingaretti’s position on the Month, and I am aware that there is an ongoing debate, I do not deny it. Mine is a very secular attitude, it is not “Month yes-Month no” regardless. We are developing projects, let’s develop them, let’s see what health needs. And then, like a good parent, we evaluate the cash flows and decide accordingly. At this moment, neither I nor Gualtieri feel like saying yes or no.
There is also talk of the Recovery plan: the Italian, says Conte, “is not late but respects the EU roadmap and above all it will be strong and robust, with the aim of initiating structural reforms. Therefore, there are no running costs or transmissions. The first draft of the plan will be ready by October 15 as scheduled. We must build a project for the country also in terms of infrastructure, employment and elimination of inequalities. We want it to be a robust and vigorous national plan, we must avoid fragmentation. We are not here to please any lobby, but all citizens.
Still on the issue of the contingent moment and how it impacts the economy, Conte mentions the possibility of making the standard quarantine times more flexible: “Some countries are discussing the reduction of quarantine, it is an important perspective. If we reduced the quarantine, the social and economic costs would also be reduced ”.

Then he jokes about his former deputy: “If I missed Salvini in the Covid months? No one can miss him, those who love him and those who have different ideas. He talks so many times that it is difficult to get lost …”.
