Only one in four teachers, according to the data collected by the Republic in 9 Regions of Italy, would have submitted to the test serological before September 7, the last day to do it for free. 2 million kits have been distributed throughout the country: almost all, 1.5 million, has been reserved for Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Emilia romagna, Liguria, Tuscany, Campania, Lazio me Sicily. Of these, 365,000 were administered. The data at the moment are provisional, the projection is still delayed and many teachers could take the test next week, raising the percentage from 25% to 40%. But while serology is voluntary in all regions, a governor decided make it mandatory.
Serological test for teachers, De Luca’s decision
The president of the Campania region, Vincenzo By Luca, signed ordinance number 70 that makes the review of school personnel mandatory. It also refers to the non-teacher, of all schools and educational establishments of all levels. Everyone should go to their doctor or local health authority to undergo the serological and / or swab test, presenting the results to the director.
The provisions do not apply to subjects who demonstrate to their client that they have performed, even voluntarily, a serological test and / or diagnostic swab (with negative result) after August 24, 2020.
Serological test for teachers, data from other regions
Regarding the results obtained so far, in the majority of Regions You had between 0.5% and 1.2% positive serological tests. There Lombardy reached 4.8% (3,662 of 74,841),Emilia romagna at 2.3% (1,158 their 49,208). The Tuscany, which immediately decided to undergo the tests also in the facilities of its local health authorities as well as those of family doctors, registered 0.6% (34 thousand tests in total).
the Lazio he had to leave alone due to the lack of support from family doctors: there are about 120,000 school workers, currently 50,000 have made an appointment with the local health authorities to take the test. In 30 thousand they have already taken the exam, the percentages of positivity are very low. The region Veneto it has reached 53,000 examinations, the goal is 95,000: family doctors collaborate with the Department of Health.
More than 17 thousand tests in PiedmontLess than 2% of school personnel who underwent the serological test tested positive for coronavirus, 327 people. For those who have undergone screening, the health service has prepared the swab to verify that they have overcome the disease or, otherwise, to impose quarantine. In total, more than 80 thousand people were able to access the exam to be carried out by the family doctor or by booking through the ASL service.