“Let’s move on, we want to see if it’s as beautiful live as it is on TV,” Sassuolo’s two commissions make their way with shiny night masks and a crazy desire to take a selfie with Giuseppe Conte. And at 8:40 p.m., when the premier sets foot in the immense hall of “Bella Ciao”, the National Day of the Democratic Party of Modena, the applause of Melissa and Diletta merges with that of the many who queue to receive the boss of government: “Good boy! Excellent!”. It is the first time that the Apulian lawyer between the tigelle and dem sausages and the litmus test, in a cold moment with the leaders of the Democratic Party, is more than overcome: “I am here to be interviewed, I am ready, available.” Do you feel at home, is this Maria Latella’s first question, or did you feel more at home at the Daily News Party? «The applause was beautiful, sincere and warm – Conte part embarrassed – Thank you». Of the 200 chairs, limited by distance, someone even stands up, but the first standing ovation doesn’t take off.
It is only the beginning. In minutes the president, who behind the scenes had long joked with Neri Marcorè about the real Count and the imitation Count, enlightens the audience. The pretext for the sympathy operation is the school, with Conte recounting the dialogue with his 13-year-old son to prepare him for the reopening: “Look at Niccolò, if something goes wrong it doesn’t mean that Dad didn’t work well.” And then, on the delay of the new single-seater benches: “In Italy we had my grandfather’s benches!” And the laughter goes down. The closure is effective, with the journalist throwing the ball at him and he throwing it into the net: “If during the Covid months I missed Salvini? No, nobody can miss him.” Here comes the standing ovation, along with some whistles for the league leader The last glimpses before the selfie liturgy, which provokes long minutes of meeting and puts pressure on the security service, immortalizes Conte kneeling on stage to discuss Lebanon with a militant. Mrs. Cristina, ignoring her husband by her side, yells at him “how cute you are” and the premier does not stop: “You have good taste!” The baptism was prepared in detail in the steps of the party, where Che Guevara masks and Berlinguer magnets are sold like hot cakes. “A couple of whistles are enough to spoil everything,” Zingaretti had recommended to the organizers. The secretary’s invitation went out in early summer and the premier’s yes was wait until two days ago, so The president of Lazio, from Reggio Calabria, sent a virtual hug to the guest of honor. and a little cold: “Counting in Modena?” I am happy and I thank you. We have had news these days and finally a date has been found … ». And yet, at the “VIP” entrance of Ponte Alto there is no secretary: and in Calabria, due to previous electoral commitments. And not even the “governor” of Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, is found: «24 hours ago I knew you were coming … But it will be well received, it still has credibility among our people».
The honors of the house, therefore, fall on the person in charge. of the dem organization, Stefano Vaccari, but Conte is not offended: «No coldness, no irritation. Nicola apologized because he is on the electoral campaign, we speak often and I have never had a disagreement with him, he is a very loyal and honest person. The iceberg of the Month remains, which the afternoon heat only melts a little. Zingaretti is tired of the “policy of postponement”, he urges the prime minister to make a decision on that 36 billion for health care and if Conte jokes first (“a question about the Month a day keeps the doctor away”), then try not to disappoint the audience just won: «Mine is a very secular attitude, it is not yes or no despite everything. Let’s work on the projects, let’s see what health care needs … Now Gualtieri and I don’t feel like saying yes or no. And again the ovation clicks. Finish with lambrusco and tortellini in broth at the inn, where the volunteers’ hearts beat fast with half a century of table service. “Conte premier is the result of a political accident – the former mayor of Castelnuovo Rangone welcomes him – but I recognize him a certain skill.”
September 8, 2020 (change September 8, 2020 | 23:19)