
The French government with the most 8,500 cases of coronavers per day and an almost daily exponential growth has decided reduce from fourteen to seven days of the duration of isolation for people who tested positive for Covid-19: as announced by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. The decision will be formally adopted at the “Defense Council on Friday”, which “will give us time to consult other experts on the implementation of the measure,” added France Inter minister. “We are most contagious in the first 5 days after the onset of symptoms or after a tampon is positive. Later, ”Véran explained. The contagion decreases very clearly, and after a week it remains but very weak ”.
The shortening of the quarantine will favor “better compliance” with the rule – according to the minister – since today “we register that the majority of French people do not respect the quarantine.” The Defense Council, made up of a small group of ministers, is convened by the president. Emmanuel macron on the Elysee more and more frequently since the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis.
A decision that obviously received the applause from the business world. “It would be aplittle oxygen breath for companies in organizational terms. It would be welcome “, declared Francois Asselin, president of the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME), interviewed by Franceinfo TV after the announcements made this morning by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. Asselin hopes, in particular, so ”. We can shorten this period to fourteen days, because we have organizational problems in many small businesses. ” I think about seven days would be a reasonable period. “
A decision that seems indeed more dictated by economics rather than common sense, also thanks to the publication of the French statistical institute Insee according to which France witnessed the destruction of 158,200 jobs in the private sector (-0.8%) after the 492,200 already disappeared in the first.
Not only that, the National Institute of Statistics in Paris, however, confirms the expected contraction of the gross domestic product of around 9% during the year 2020, and adds that “at the end of the year economic activity in any case, it will remain below its pre-crisis level “, around -4%. During the fourth quarter, GDP should grow only 1% in France. The Institute highlights the” risk of a significant shock on demand “and adds that, consequently, the recovery of the economy will be” less rapid “in the last months of the year.