“To be respected more”


Covid, France reduces quarantine from 14 to 7 days:

The France reduce the days of quarantine 14 to seven. France’s scientific council has given the green light to reduce the isolation of people who tested positive for coronavirus. The announcement was made by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. The decision will be formally adopted on the occasion of the “Defense Council on Friday”, which “will give us time to consult other experts on the implementation of the measure,” added the minister on France Inter.

“We are most contagious in the first 5 days after the onset of symptoms or after a tampon is positive. Later – Véran explained – the contagion decreases very abruptly, and after a week it remains but very weak ».

The shortening of the quarantine will favor “better compliance” with the rule – according to the minister – since today “we register that the majority of French people do not respect the quarantine.” The Defense Council, made up of a small group of ministers, has been convened by President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee with increasing frequency since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis.

France reduces quarantine from 14 to 7 days: “To be more respected”

The business world applauds the French government’s intention to cut the quarantine period in half. “It would be a little breath of fresh air for companies in organizational terms. It would be welcome “, declared Francois Asselin, president of the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME), interviewed by Franceinfo TV. Asselin hopes, in particular, that” we can shorten this period of fourteen days, because we have organizational problems in many small companies “.”I think about seven days would be a reasonable period.“he added.

Sileri: Reduction of quarantine also in Italy? We evaluate

“If the scientific evidence in this regard is confirmed, then the duration of the quarantine period, which is currently 14 days, will be reduced.” This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, in reference to the possible reduction of the quarantine period from 14 to 7 days, as some European countries are evaluating. Last updated: 14:48

