Disappeared in Crema: human remains burned in the car – Last Hour


(ANSA) – CREMONA, 08 SEPT – They are not dogs but humans and therefore what was left of the charred body of Sabrina Beccalli are in all probability the remains found in the burned car of the 39-year-old young man who disappeared in Crema in the past August 15th. The turning point in the investigation of the matter occurred at the end of the first analyzes carried out at the Milan Institute of Legal Medicine by the pathologists Cristina Cattaneo and Debora Mazzarelli, appointed by the Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Cremona, Lisa Saccaro, to carry out the appraisal on about thirty small bones and tissue flaps. In the next few hours a DNA test will also be carried out to establish with certainty that Sabrina was burned to death in her Fiat Panda. It remains to be seen if she was killed by Alessandro Pasini, as the investigators who accuse the 45-year-old woman of murder and destruction of a corpse affirm, or after an overdose, as the defendant’s defense has always said, in the Monza prison. (HANDLE).